chapter 15.

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He walked into his room and threw me on the bed.
"Shower. Bed"
He said and walked out. What the.. this wolf is bipolar or something. I won't even try to understand what just happened. And where did he go is this not his room??
Should I go after him, don't be stupid Liah just do as he says or you're just gonna anger him more.
Plus I'm really tired. I walked to the two doors that I assume one is the closet and the bathroom.
I took my time in the shower, everything smells of him, it's relaxing.
I was busy humming to myself as I walked out of the bathroom drying my hair with an extra towel another rapped around my chest.

"Oh goodness E...El..Elijah !"
Aaand the stuttering is back.
"Kitten "
He was sitted on the foot of the bed directly facing the bathroom, wearing just black sweatpants. Goodness those abs and that chest
And I'm naked, not really but am just in a towel.
Heat flooded my body involuntarily. I quickly shut my thighs not wanting to embarrass myself further. But as usual I have no such luck when it came to this wolf.

"Kitten "
This time it was deeper, barely passing between his pearl white teeth, a warning.
I was looking anywhere but him. Why do I always manage to embarrass myself when I'm around him. I need to find clothes, fast.
Where did I leave mine. I quickly turned bumping my forehead on the bathroom door.
Oh for fuck sake.
At this point my eyes were starting to tear up. Not from pain but from frustration.
I was busy trying to compose myself I didn't notice Elijah approaching until he picked me again bridal style.
"You are a danger to yourself "
He said as he shook his head.
Well excuse me mister, I can't help it if I'm clumsy when nervous and YOU make me nervous all the dammn time. Of course I didn't say all this out loud.

I just held my towel tighter hiding my red face on his shoulder.
He carried me to the opposite door that led to a huge closet, it was more of a room with clothes.
There was a comfortable looking seat/cushion in the middle. The whole room was covered in a fluffy looking carpet.

He gently placed me on the seat and fixed me a stern look. I quickly looked away and started playing with my fingers.

Seriously, he didn't even trust me not to hurt myself in this baby safe room. Dammn I need to put my shit together.

He came back with one of his black t Shirts and some shorts. He went down on one knee and attempted to put the t Shirt over my head. I quickly moved my head blushing furiously.
"NO  I...I mean..I ca...can wear it my....myself "
At this point I think my face will forever be red as long as I'm around my mate. Can you believe he wants to dress me!!
He stares at me disapproving as I held one end of the t Shirt and him the other. He growls at me but I'm determined, no big guy I'm not about to let you..........woah why is he leaning in. Is he about to kiss.....
"You cheated!"
I said pouting.
He just chuckled as he pulled the t Shirt down my body over my towel. That's not fair, I huffed crossing my arms on my chest.
I know I'm over reacting but when I'm around him am a mess, today more, have no idea why.
As he knew I would protest he swiftly removed my towel.
I yelped trying to retie it around myself, it had fall on the seat since I was still sitting on it.
"Kitten, I'm blind "
Elijah said running a hand over his face, sighing. I was clearly testing his patience. But can you blame me, when he stares at me like that he makes me feel more seen than I have ever been in my life.
I closed my eyes and put my hands on my face and let him do want he wanted.
'Oh yes please alpha '
'Shut up you useless wolf'
'I'm not the one making a fool of ourselves infront of our mate'
'Yeah but you aren't helping either. And keep your hornyness to yourself!'
I shoved my wolf to the back of my mind. The least  I need right now is to be horny.

I jumped a little as Elijah held my foot. His hand felt huge on my foot and the way he delicately held it made it feel even smaller. Was he inspecting my foot. Now I'm starting to be self conscious. I whimpered against my will as I held my hands firmer to face refusing to look.
How was I supposed to behave normally when he acted like this.

And then he placed a kiss on it!
"Yes Kitten "
Oh good Lord, what I'm to do with this wolf. I'm just grateful I'm from the shower, my feet are clean. Before I could form a sentence in my brain, he slipped the shorts on me standing up pulling me with him. Again I yelped in surprise.
His hands are still on my waist after pulling the shorts. I could feel the proximity as his sweet breath fanned my hands.
As if sensing the barrier, he slowly felt me up to where my hands were covering my face.
A shiver ran through me as the sparks spread all over my body.
Another chuckle vibrated from him as he splayed my hands from my face.
"I have never had to tell someone I'm blind before, but with you kitten, that's all I seem to be doing "

I opened my eyes to look at him, that's the longest sentence he has ever said.
"I'm sorry "
I mumbled as again slowly looked down only to come face to chest. Uurggh today is a really long day. I let out a yawn my body responding to my mental exhaustion.
"Let's get you to bed"

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