chapter 04.

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"Flight no. 1AG6 you are clear for take of"

Finally, I'm going home. God I missed the fresh air the nature, especially the nature. Gosh my family I mean we video call all the time and they used to visit me once in a while but that ain't the same.
I even miss my annoying little brother,  whose no longer little anymore, aaah they grow up so fast.

I just finished my 4 year course in fashion school in France. That included an internship also, the manager there told me I'm really talented and was offering me a job , but I couldn't take it. My friends even called me insane for refusing that offer but I have bigger dreams. And I promised my parents I would go back home after I'm done. Besides I'm a werewolf, I should stick with my pack. Plus I have always had this feeling that I had some unfinished business back home.

I'm 22 years old now, I haven't found my mate yet, the thought itself is depressing. I blame my parents, you see I was brought up in a household of two people who love each other to death. My brother and I are a product of their wonderful love. I have always wanted that for my own, a mate to love and take care of, my soul mate who would love all of me for better and for worse,  I wanted it all. But it seemed the harder I looked for him the further away he drifted.

When I turned 18 I thought I would immediately find my mate, I had this feeling he was in my pack so I turned up to every single event my pack held, went to parties that I wouldn't normally go to, hell I even joined union clubs just to see if he was there. My parents became worried for me, I had searched for 2 months, he wasn't there but I couldn't let it go until my parents decided enough was enough and enrolled me to a far away fashion school. They said it would help to concentrate on something else that I truly loved and maybe I could find my mate while I was at it. The later never happened.

I know I sound dramatic but for a werewolf 4 years without finding your mate is pretty scary.
For crying out loud am 22 and I have never even had my first kiss, I'm still waiting for my mate, sounds stupid but I'm still hopeful.

After a 10 hour flight, I was home, my family picked me at the airport and of course some tears were shed. We had dinner out at a new restaurant that wasn't there when I left, but the food was delicious. Gosh I had missed this, my family having dinner together in our home land absolute bliss.

The pack territory had been expanded greatly and developed so well it was a city now. Alpha Killian is a really good alpha . I have never personally interacted with him ,I highly doubt many of the pack members have,  but I had seen him on several occasions before I had left, of course he was my alpha after all.

People feared him alot like terrified, I did fear him but I sympathized with him more than I feared him. I mean the guy was born blind, his mother died on delivery, raised by a mateless alpha and had the burden of been alpha since he was born no matter his disability, though his blindness was never an issue to him from what i had seen and heard. Plus the guy was a literal greek god walking among mere mortals, he was absolutely gorgeous, it's been 4 years but that was the one thing I couldn't forget about our alpha, he was sex on legs that guy. We used to go to the training grounds just to see him take off his shirt and see sweat drip down his breath taking ripped body. What was worse is that the guy didn't seem to know how attractive he was, I mean he is blind but someone must have informed him surely.

But that besides the point ,if i was asked the guy just lucked some proper love in his life. Love fixed everything.
His mate could do that, but he was already 27 years old and hasn't found one yet. Rumor has it that he was cursed to be a loner that's why he was blind in the first place, others said that his mate died, others that his mate didn't want him and rejected him.

I say all those rumors are all bullshit. The guy just simply didn't bother, I mean my mom, who is the source of all this information, she always kept me updated,  she said that the alpha never really searched for his mate. I think he is afraid that she might actually reject him.

If he were my mate ,rejection would actually cross my mind, the guy literally kills to stay alive who would what such a person as a mate. You could be his next target!!!

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