chapter 05.

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Alpha Killian was feeling restless today,  his wolf was itching to be released, the last time he felt this way was 4 years ago. He couldn't describe the feeling properly, it some sort of yearning a pull that made him really irritable. Today he actually wished it was blood thirst, that he understood and knew exactly how to handle it. But how to do you handle a feeling you don't even know?? And Killian hated not knowing, being clueless. This was ironic coming from a blind person but Killian wasn't just any person. He didn't mind his blindness actually, you can't miss or cry over something you have never known now can you?

It actually gave him an edge, everything he did was seen as extraordinary, when he was growing up that used to piss the fuck out of him, but as he grew older he learnt to use that to his advantage.

Today was training day for the high warriors, that was a good enough challenge to vent out his frustrations. He walked out of his house with only a simple t-shirt and some sweatpants, all black of course. All his clothes were in black,  he always made sure of it, after all that was the only color he knew, darkness. And red ,but he didn't like red, very time he saw red was when he was blood thirsty or his wolf was crazed, not his proudest moments, but it made his enemies fear him so he accommodated it.

He walked barefooted through the woods a shortcut he had made to the training grounds. When he could he was always barefooted, he liked the feeling of his feet on the bare ground it made him feel more connected to nature, more rooted to his roots, more in control of what he was but mostly it gave him peace. Something that truly lacked within himself.  He avoided chaos whenever he could which was rare, considering he was chaos himself. He took the little things like living alone away from the pack house, avoiding socialization taking nature walks in the woods, the little things.

He could feel his pack members submit to him and greet him good morning as he passed by. He just nodded and walked on. His pack members understood him so they didn't mind his antisocial ways.

He was almost at the training grounds when he heard giggling and a young male hush voice telling her he loved her. He could tell they were mates. Mate, it was word he didn't want to dell on for long. A mate was a weakness, he didn't want any weakness, look at what it did to his father he was basically a walking shell waiting to die. He didn't need that, mates where just destructions. When the right time comes he would just take a healthy worthy female to mate with for the sake of a heir ,pups to continue his legacy. There were already too many female that willing threw themselves at his feet, so it wouldn't be that hard.

Deep down he was afraid of being rejected, he knew he was too much even for himself to handle. He was literally a blood thirsty blind beast with anger issues, who in their right mind would want such a person as a soul mate? If his soul mate didn't accept him who would? Killian shook his head to get rid of those thoughts, they were pathetic and he was anything but pathetic.

"Good morning, how is my favorite alpha " a cheerful Liam greeted once the grumpy alpha made it to the training grounds. Killian could help but groan, how was this guy ever so cheerful, it was 7 in the morning for God's sake.
"Woke up grumpier today huh?"
Liam mumbled more to himself, he had known Elijah since they were pups, he knew him inside out, and today was definitely one of those days to keep off and not piss him of. That's starts by not calling him Elijah, the alpha disliked that name for some reason he preferred Killian.
" all right everyone let's start with some warm ups then, I will pair you with partners to spar, okay let's begin!"

"Oh goodness!" It hadn't even been an hour after they started sparring and the alpha had already rendered almost all the warriors unconscious. Those still conscious simply couldn't move.
Liam had known it was a bad idea to let the alpha spar in the state he was in but denying him would have been worse.

Alpha Killian was growing restless by the second and he was trying to remove his frustrations the only way he knew how . He was standing in the middle of his havoc shirtless, just in his sweatpants barefooted panting, not from exhaustion but distress. Sweat dripping his body in seductive trails.

He was so into his head he didn't notice a body moving towards him in high speed, until it collided with him . The impact caught him so unaware that he stumbled backwards fall into the grassy grounds.

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