chapter 16.

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Killian woke up late, the Sunrays hit him at an angle they have never have. He never wakes up early,  but yesterday he had the best sleep in his life. And he knew exactly why.
He tried reaching out for her but she wasn't in bed. In alarm Killian quickly sat up trying to concentrate his senses to locate her. His heart was already beating out of rhythm.

He slowly relaxed when he heard a familiar angelic voice. He followed the voice downstairs as if in a trance. He reached the last stairs and leaned on the opposite wall, where she couldn't see him. Yesterday when she was bathing, she was also humming to herself. Killian loved music it relaxed him. But listening to his mate sing was  a whole new thing.

Right now she was singing while she cooked. Killian could tell by the way she was moving around and chopping stuff.

Being around his mate was thrilling and frustrating at the same time. He experienced things he never thought he could, for example, alpha Killian has never thought of seeing. But with his mate he constantly wondered what she looked like in certain situations. Like right now, was she dancing around his kitchen wearing his clothes. How did she look wearing his clothes or when she was embarrassed and shying away from him like yesterday, how she looked when she smiled happy and when she laughed, or even when she was angry, Killian wanted to see if she was as hot as she sounded when she was angry at him.
Killian didn't like it, but he couldn't get himself to let her go though she was messing with his head.

Heck, he even got mad yesterday when she said she wanted to leave. Plus the girl is so clumsy Killian wondered how she has survived without killing herself. Even now he was still on high alert in case she hurt herself again. Although she did work at a Cafe, maybe the mate thing was also messing with her like it was him.

He made himself known as he walked to the kitchen where his mate was.
"Oh you're awake, sorry I'm using your kitchen I
was just hungry but I made enough for you too.
Alpha Killian was just about ready to give in. This woman was everything he never thought a woman could be. And this is coming from a guy that never thought of women.

He walked up to where her presence was strongest pulling her to his arms. He deeply inhaled her scent before letting her go. She said some incoherent words backing away, them bumping into the dishes apparently behind her.
'But she was doing so well before we came in'
Killian didn't even answer his wolf, he just smiled happy he wasn't the only one the mate bond was affecting.

Killian sat down giving his mate time to compose herself. Maybe in future they will both find a way to deal with all this feels. But for now he just had to make sure his mate didn't kill herself.
Instead of being angry, Killian was starting to find it adorable. Not the hurting herself part though, that part still doesn't sit well with him. His mate should never get hurt not even by herself.

Just like yesterday they had breakfast in comfortable silence. His mate is chatty, and he surprisingly enjoyed every single minute of it, but she also seemed to know when silence was needed. She somehow understands him, they barely knew each other but she understood him.
She even added steak to his breakfast portion. He  had to remind his house manager everytime to put some meat on all his meals, including breakfast and she could only make beacon. But his mate knew, even though she wasn't having meat for breakfast herself. He never had someone understand him on such levels before, even his own father, he himself didn't even know he would want it until now.Maybe that's why he was already so smitten by her.

The rest of day was spent like that, his mate chatting him up, awkward embarrassing moments of his mate with him enjoying every second of it. She made meals of that whole day also, and dammn that woman can cook. No offense to his house manager but Killian didn't think he could ever enjoy her food again after tasting his mate's. Another thing he found out about his mate was that she was constantly hungry, it was cute. She didn't even have large amounts, just small portions and snacks almost every single hour. His nickname suited her perfectly. 

Alpha Killian didn't think he could spend a whole day with someone and enjoy it as much as he did with his mate, but he had already come to terms with the fact that his mate wasn't just anyone. Though that didn't protect him from the awe that come with everything his mate made him do that he wouldn't normally do.

The rest of the outside world seemed to have disappeared to the both of them. Even with the new foreign feelings, both preferred to deal with them rather than be away from each other.

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