Chapter II: A Lonely Warrior

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I was wandering in the forest to collect wood and fruits for ghada{lunch}, when I heard noises of swords cackling. I decided to check what was going on in the forest or the place near my home. I saw a couple being attacked and the woman was already unconscious. The man seemed struggling to fight them.

I didn't know who was evil or good but my instincts told me that the attackers were cruel. I hate seeing injustice and I wasn't able to control myself. I attacked all the attackers one by one. I was a great sword fighter so it wasn't a tough job for me. After defeating everyone I saw the man was unconscious too.

My sight was stuck onto the anonymous man's face. To be honest, he was very beautiful but there wasn't any time for me to admire his looks. I carried the couple one by one to my home or rather a cave.

I live alone in the forest. Ages ago I used to live with my Mudaris{teacher}. He was a great scholar and was like a parent to me. He claimed that my parents were merchants who died during a depression caused by a war. I don't know how to define my existence. My Mudaris taught me all essential things to survive. He taught me medicine, archery, horse riding and sword fighting.

He always used to say these words,
{"Kulama kan al'amr 'akhtar qaswatin, kulama antahaa al'amr 'asrae.}
{The crueler it is, The sooner it will be over}.

The tried figuring out what he actually meant by these words but never understood. I am patient. Maybe I might know it's meaning by the duration of the upcoming years.

I followed my parents profession however, i barely manage to sell anything. I have a bad financial condition. I tried my best to get a small estate in the Kingdoms and towns but i couldn't afford it. So I regard the forest as my own where there are no expenses. I usually visit the villages and Kingdoms for daily necessities.


I woke up to find myself in a cave. I was suffering from a bad headache. I saw myself lying on a wooden bed. My sight went towards a woman who was sitting on a rock affront of me and crushing herbs. She was the brave woman who saved me. I was immediately mesmerized by her beauty. Her hair were covered with a hijab and was wearing a cape over it. Her Ramadi{grey} eyes were charming.

She turned towards me and caught me staring at her. I moved my gaze away. She walked towards me and gave me a medicine to drink. She spoke, "Don't worry, you and your wife will be fine and healthy soon". My sight went towards Shehzaadi Aaliyah who was still unconscious. Something came up to me and I suddenly spoke, "She is not my wife". 

The woman turned towards me with a strange expression and said, "It doesn't matter to me". I was Struck dumbfounded. Why did I say those words? It was so embarrassing.

Suddenly I heard strange noises coming from outside the cave. I saw My Savior taking her golden sword and going out to face them. She faded away with an instant.

{Who is inside the cave?! Show yourself! You have no choice!}.

Stay tuned!

Lots of love❤️  {PinkLife}.

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