Chapter VII: Shadow

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Rabia POV:

I was sitting on the bed gazing over my necklace that I held in my palms. Caressing it with my thumb. It had a beautiful architecture. My Mudaris said that I inherited it from my mother. It looked expensive and majestic. I wondered where she got this necklace but I was unable to find it in any towns or Kingdoms.

I was bored in the palace. I had nothing to do. I hadn't had a contact with my provider for a long time. Zayn was right. The palace is like an open prison. Life in the forest wasn't luxurious but it was independent, free and fresh. Nature has its healing power but now I am surrounded by bricks, mats and curtains.

I decided to check out the warrior training sessions going outside the palace at the very end of the kingdom's border. Maybe some swordfighting would refresh my mind. I wore my warrior armor and blue headcover. I tied a dagger around my waist belt and held my sword. Off I go!

Author POV:

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Author POV:

As Rabia entered the training field, all the swords stopped moving. All the attention went towards her. All eyes were upon her. Her beauty was ecstatic. Her ramadi {Grey} eyes were clashing with the sunlight. All the soldiers were admiring her beauty. Zaheer who was the Army General of all the soldiers came out of the weapons tent as he heard the silence in the field. He came to the center to find all the soldiers staring at Rabia. This was the first time Rabia had to come to any place other than the palace.

"Soldiers! Get back to your training and duties. I don't want any distractions".

All the soldiers returned back to their training. Zaheer was staring at her and so was she looking at him. He walked towards her and spoke,

"What brings you here? This is the training area for battles and festivals. No woman has ever been here. Are you looking for someone?".

"The women don't come here because you haven't created awareness among them. You all haven't taught them how to be independent and brave. To answer your question, I am not looking for anyone, I am here to do swordfighting".

Zaheer just rolled his eyes in disbelief. He has never seen a woman so brave who would raise her voice in front of the Army General.

"Sorry but all the soldiers are doing their duty. There are no vacancies. You may leave".

Suddenly someone spoke with a loud voice,

"There are vacancies".

Rabia and Zaheer turned towards the direction to find Zayn standing with a slight smile, a few distance away from them. Zaheer rushed towards him to greet him. Zayn walked towards Rabia who stood in the center of the field still.

"Let's have a match. What do you say?".

"Really? I hope you would be able to bear the consequences". Rabia said with a proud smirk.

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