P: Listen T: Frustration

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I'm telling you to believe me

But something tells you not

I'm telling you that it's okay

So you turn around and watch

For some reason I'm trying to

Help you in any way

But there's just not that one thing

That'll get you to pay

Attention to me

You listen but the words just fly by you

I want you to listen and interpret what im saying

Analyze please

I'm telling you

That it's okay

Please believe me

I'm doing my best to get you stay

In the zone

Of happy

Baby, baby

You're not my girl

Bt I can't just stand here and watch...

You tear yourself apart

I just can't

So look around you...!

Oh darlin, you may be my girl

But you're not paying attention to the world

And that's okay

But you still need to look yourself in the eyes

The I do when we lock eyes

I try tell you

It's alright

But then you look away

My friend,

No matter what

Till the end well be together

As friends

So listen


I'm telling you you

That it'll be okay

You have everything to happy

But you're not

Do you see?

Just look out

Look outside for a moment

Look at the birds who singing, along- with me

Look out

Look out at the trees and their fallen leaves

But they're still standing

Because they'll know it'll just be another season


Why don't you listen to me

I'm telling you

What I see

But you're looking away

Away from me

So just listen then

Don't close your ears on me

I'm telling you

What I would want to do

I'm telling you that it's alright

But you don't have to believe

And that's okay

That's alright

I just want you to take a second

And listen

To me

Hear my voice

Hear me sing

That it's okay

My dear friend,

My lover,


And even though

You all aren't here

You're not directly in front of me as I speak

I hope you hear me

Miles away

Because I know it'll reach you some day

And you'll okay

Just trust me

Look outside

Look at the sky

And how beautiful it reflects the eyes of the ocean, blue

Now look in a mirror

Look into your eyes

Look into the passion that's buried inside

I know it's there

Because we all have here

Deep down in ours heart

Buried into our eyes

Just this one time

Listen to me

And what I have, to sing

Oh please




Tara: I wish you would try to be happy for a moment. I know this a phase for you but if you get caught up in the phase you might lose it. I believe that you have a purpose and not thinking that you do isn't that purpose...

Jean: I know you're having a hard time with your dad. Your parents are broken up and you just want to make him happy. Why focus n what HE wants you to do and just focus on what YOU want to do. That's one thing Lily has taught me.

Matrina: Don't worry about them for crying out loud! You tell me to get over situations as if you have no emotion for them so I'm telling you now to get the freak over yourself. You're amazing the way you are and if you're busy and can't make it to something all you have to do is say you can't. Besides, there's only one of you and tons of things to do. I'm sure that won't being able to do those tons of things won't get you in trouble.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon