My Tattoo One (Process)

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My tattoo

  I want to get this Tattoo. It’ll be on my shoulder going onto my arm. I’m thinking this over and over. I have to more than once to figure out what I want. Certain details that I’m thinking are a chain and a brace of some sort around my arm to show that I’m locked and I’m chained to my shoulder. I say shoulder but there’s more detail than that. In my right shoulder blade I’ve decided that I’ve wanted to make this part the base of my tattoo. It’ll have the chain coming out of it to representing a threshold from the inner me. The tattoo artist wanted me to make this tattoo to where when I get older I’ll like it no matter what but not only that. It need to work well on my skin. I have a good idea. I’m thinking of having him to an abstract idea in this spot where I decided my ‘skin’ wouldn’t be. See, there’ll be a hole, somewhat corroded and from the inside you’ll see the chain come out of the corner layered in a glow of some sort to represent my soul and to have the abstract art representing on the inside of me is an endless work of art. No matter when you see it something else may stand out to you. That’s one of those things that I love about art. So, I’m hoping that he’ll want to try that.

  It’s happening guys. Once I’m eighteen we’ll do this haha.

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