P: Part One: You and I T: Fed Up

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I don't understand you and how you can remember

These things I do you 

I wish I could like you and hold onto these thing

But my mind shuts down on me

It's not important you see

Right now is where I want to be 

Not before

Not after

That's what I'm confused about you 


You remember

The things I do to you


Don't mean a thing to me

I understand why you can remember

It's a scar and you can't let go

It'lll be there no matter

Until the end

But don't look at me like I'm cutting you

Deeper and deeper every day



You mean more to me 

Then anyone else 

By far

Don't look at me with those eyes

Eyes of hatred 

Eyes of demise

One that don't want to look at me

But burn into my soul

You're the one that I just can't seem to let go

Darling I'll you know

More than anyone

That you mean everything to me

Even though we fight

And we disagree

We learn to deal with each other

You mean the most

I wish you would realize


I toyed with your heart

No man should ever part

With a woman who they twice

 Or even thought about it the first place

So you hate with all your thoughts

No matter the lose

I know I'm going to tell you that I

Love you so

But really when it comes down to this

I'm not sure what I'd do for you 

What I'd do to take you back

Because I made the mistake to try

I made the mistake to hurt you in the first place

I made the mistake to cry

When it was you who was hurt

Rather than me

I'd set back time to save you

I wouldn't want you to go through

The things that you have because of me

But it's a definiate fate dead end

I can't think of how life would be the other way

If we stayed together

And loved till the end 

Where would we be?

Your life stuck to me

You wouldn't want to leave my side

And I'd partly want to be set free

To go out randomly

And take you with me

I'd make you worry

On the days where you didn't see me

You'd think I'd be gone

And I'd come back to day

That I never left you 

For a moment

For a day 

I'd completely ruin you

If we were together still

Because I'm jacked up person

And I am still

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat