P: Love Vs Addiction T: Thoughtful

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You wouldn’t say being addicted to something would be a good thing

And for the most part it’s not

But it helps in the end

And that’s what I need

I need help

And if you’re willing to lend me a hand then why not

I can’t stop thinking about you

…and her

She’s my everything right now


I say that but I’m not sure

Since I’m stepping into the world just like you I know where I want to go and I’m heading there fast

Full speed ahead I’d say

But she’s stuck here

Not by choice

And they joked that I should take her

Yea right

And separate her from all her friends?

So that she could be with me?

Away from her family

Away from the band?


Because that’s what I’d want if I was her


No it’s not

Now as for you


I’m calling you my addiction

Because I don’t know what else there is

I can’t say that we’re just friends

Because that’s not true

It’s odd

You want someone to listen to

And I listen to you

And vice versa

You help me

And somehow

I don’t mind it when you get with someone

A part of me looks and I’m feel a protective part of me

But then I shrug it off

Now if it were her

I know I’d want to turn away

Because I don’t want to see her with anyone else

Funny isn’t?

Same goes for Lily too

I swear

If a man treats her wrong I’ll scowl

I’ll kill him

But that’s just how I am

I know that sometimes there are those times where I see situations happening and I saw

Hey, it’s alright

You learn from these things

And then there’s another set of people that just make me plain out mad

But then there’s those who I protect

And if they’re legitamently hurt I can’t just stand around

I’m addicted to you

You’re all that I think about

And then there’s her

She’s there too

It’s a wonder

What’s stronger

This addiction

Or the love I have for her

People make fun of me

And say they don’t believe

Honestly, I can live on my own

But that’s not what I’m aiming for

I’m not doing this alone

I have friends who support me

Who will go with me

Who will try

I want to prove my worth

I’ve already shown quite a bit

I don’t want my addiction to you to take over

But I have more time with you than I do her

And that’s the bad part about this

I have time to be with you

And yet with her my time is limited

So now I’ve come to this fork which is sad

What should I be doing

Over what I want to be doing

the answers pretty obvious

Or so I thought

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now