Chapter 50: Never alone again

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"Seriously though, you need to choose one of us Ash. It's not a matter of who you like the best it's simply more convenient if you make it easy for us this way. Plus, it's not like the other two won't get their share too... your heat is probably going to keep us occupied for a very long time. You... " Alex said, his words making me blush madly and before he could finish I threw myself at him and pressed my hand against his mouth, preventing him from speaking any further.

"Ahahaha... stop that right now." I said, my voice sounding embarrassed even to my own ears. Alex shifted a bit underneath me, making me aware of just how close we were and in the matter of seconds I was fixed on raking my eyes down his body. God, I needed to get a hold of myself before I embarrassed myself even further!

I clenched my teeth firmly as I moved to get of him but as soon as I did, Alex hand wrapped around my wrist. A shocked shriek escaped my lips as I was pulled into his lap. With a slight smirk at my blushing face he grabbed my hips and quite roughly pulled me closer while making sure to position me right above his... ehm... well his... yeah... you know what I mean...

My cheeks were burning by now and I guessed that my face was red as a tomato as I mustered up enough courage to meet Alex gaze. The amused look on his face as he ground our hips together had me feeling somewhat tricked since he was well aware of how much I was itching to get laid right now.

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" I muttered as I finally gave in and wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged at the tips of his hair quite roughly. Alex eyes softened as he stared at me and I could hear him groan a bit when I pulled at the strands of his hair a bit firmer. I knew he liked it when I did that and I sure as hell was going to use it to my advantage. I smirked down at him, his eyes clearly showing the pleasure he was feeling from my actions.

"Mhhm that may be so, but you love me anyway Sparky." He said, his voice a bit husky as he leaned closer and began licking and nibbling up along the side of my neck. I was loosing control and it took all of my willpower not to push him back, rip our clothes off and make him fuck me until I couldn't walk properly.

"There you go, why didn't you just say so from the start princess? I'll happily do that to you anytime." Alex suddenly said, amusement clear in his voice as he pressed a soft kiss against my cheek. I could hear his brothers begin to laugh behind us and I could feel my eyes widen as I felt my cheeks flush. Holy hell I did not just say that out loud!?!

"Yes you did sweetie as well as that sentence right now..." Alex chuckled and I groaned as I wrapped my arms more tightly around him and buried my face against his neck.

"Please kill me before I do something even more embarrassing...!" I whined against his neck, my nose brushing against his skin as I breathed in his delicious scent.

I could feel Alex shudder when my breath hit his sensitive skin and in the blink of an eye he had picked me up and slammed me down on the bed, my back against the covers as he hovered over me. His eyes had turned dark and my breathing hitched as he licked his lips sensually and then smirked down at me.

"God that's hot..." I could hear myself mumble, my mind in a daze as I followed his tongue with my eyes as he leaned down closer to my face. Alex smirk grew and I blushed as I realized I just acknowledged the fact that I thought he was sexy as hell.

"Ugh..." I groaned as I flipped over to my stomach and hid my face against the covers. I was soo losing my touch right now. Damn this heat-thing, making everything the asshole did look so fucking desirable!

"If you're not going to pick one of us we'll two-time you... oh well three-time you I mean." Alex whispered against my ear and before my mind had processed his words completely I was pulled back into his lap. With my back against Alex he used his hands to push my knees further apart and in the blink of an eye Anton had moved in between them. I was suddenly trapped between them and I could feel my eyes grow wide as I noticed Adam rising from his spot to stand on the bed beside us. My eyes were glued on him as he took a hold of his boxers and let them fall down against the covers. I could feel my cheeks heat up before I whipped my head away from his naked form.

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