Chapter 14: I can smell your arousal

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"This is just great." I muttered as I took in the room around me with a curious stare.

The walls were soft brown and the floor was wood- covered. The huge bed I was lying on was in the center of the room and it was black all over. I could see a door to my left that I guessed was a bathroom and to my right there was a big walk-in-closet.

It was a nice room all in all but even if it hadn’t that many pieces of furniture it screamed “money” even in here and I didn’t like that feeling. It was too impersonal. I returned my gaze to the three guys in front of me and I narrowed my eyes at Alex.

"What? You want me to “stay in my room” overthinking my bad actions. Save your breath girls I’m not staying." I said, smiling tantalizingly as I made air-quote marks on “stay in my room”. Before they had time to answer me I rolled of the bed and started to walk towards the door.

I didn’t get far.

Alex took my left arm in an iron grip before I had taken two steps, causing me to lose my balance. He didn’t waste the opportunity, he just swirled me around bringing my arm behind my back painfully, just as he had done when we first got here. I cried out in pain as he twisted it so that I had to take a step towards the bed.

"Back on the bed Ash." He said in a low and dangerous voice and I couldn’t do anything except abide. That was if I didn’t want to dislocate my shoulder of course...

I grunted in pain as he kept his hold on my arm when I placed myself back on the bed. Soon after he let me go and I wheezed in agony as I pulled my arm around to inspect it. At least it was still intact. I shot Alex a dark look and he gave me a “don’t be difficult-look” back.

"When we leave this room tomorrow you will have learned to respect us more little mate." He muttered as he pulled his fingers through his hair. I stared at him, feeling a little dazed at the sight of his muscles flexing as he did so. I bit down on my lower lip, forcing myself to look at something else before I started drooling.

“Stupid body that’s reacting to this asshole” I thought irritated. Suddenly I heard a low growl and my eyes shot up, meeting Alex’s swirling pitch black. He was looking at me intensely, lust clear in his eyes and I pulled back slightly. When he noticed, his growl grew louder and I froze in place. This was probably not good.

"I can smell your arousal Ash and it’s not helping your case right now, believe me." Alex voice was thick with desire and I could feel my eyes grow big. He could what?

"Come again?" I said, keeping my eyes locked on him in case he moved.

"You heard me Sparky." He shot me a sly grin and I nearly choked on my own breath. I narrowed my eyes at him, annoyed over the fact that he was using his nickname for me.

"I’m not aroused doggie I think its disgust you smell." I smirked at him and I saw how his eyes turned even darker but suddenly he shrugged and gave me a mischievous grin before he said:

"Well it’s not, but I guess I have to prove it to you then. Prepare yourself for that begging now Ash, or… if you prefer to cry then that’s okay too I guess."

Alex mounted the bed with grace and I quickly tried to pull myself back, out of his reach. Of course I wasn’t quick enough end he easily got a hold of me. He pinned me down and even if I tried to push him away he wouldn’t move an inch.

"I’m so dead." I whispered for the third time this day as Alex took a firm grip around my wrists and then straddled me, locking me in place underneath him.

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