Chapter 29: The best way to punish him

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I slumped back against Alex chest, drained of energy for the moment and I tiredly tried to get my breathing under control again. Alex slid his hand out of my pants and regarded his cum-stained hand for a second before he brought it up towards his face and sucked a finger into his mouth, effectively licking away the semen.

"Oh god this taste is surprisingly arousing." Alex practically moaned out and I gave him a repulsed look. Who would ever want to lick of someone’s cum like that?! Before I could react though, Alex gave me a mischievous smirk and suddenly one of his fingers was pushed inside my mouth. I choked and immediately turned my head away trying to recoil as much as I could from his hand. His finger slipped out of my mouth but not before I had time to taste the cum and I grimaced.

"What the hell Alex?!" I shouted as I tried to glare angrily at his smiling face. Well…yeah the keyword here is; I tried. To be honest I was still drained enough so that I didn’t have the energy to even be angry right now.

I hadn’t noticed Anton leaving the bed but suddenly the bed dipped and he sat down again, throwing a towel at Alex who caught it mid-air. Alex dried his hand of and I suddenly saw my opening. He had had to let go of me, to be able to catch the towel, and now there weren’t anything preventing me from moving anymore.

I threw myself out of his grip and successfully made it so that I wasn’t sitting in his lap anymore. I flopped down on the bed beside him though because I had realized long ago that I wouldn’t make it out of here as long as they had their eyes on me all the freaking time. Alex smirked at the fact that I had realized this and Adam chuckled at us.

"See, I told you fighting us would get you nowhere." Alex leaned back against the pillows and I glared at his satisfied face.

"And apart from that I have now also figured out the best way to punish Ash every time he does something stupid." He continued and I looked at him suspiciously.

"Why please enlighten us then Alex?" Anton laughed at him and I got a bad feeling about this.

"Isn’t it obvious?" He smirked and shifted his gaze to me. I gave him a confused look and when he noticed he eyed me mischievously. Suddenly he reached out with one hand towards me and got a hold under my chin. He began to near his face to mine and suddenly it dawned on me exactly what he was indicating. He was trying to tell us that the best way to punish me was through sexual actions!

Uh uh not this time he wouldn’t…! I brought my own hand up and slapped away the one he had under my chin. My surprise attack obviously caught him by surprise because he lost his grip on me and I shied away from him immediately.

"That will never happen again idiot! You will not touch me another time!" I growled at him but he only gave me a sly grin and rolled his eyes in response.

Suddenly someone laid a hand on me again but this time it wasn’t Alex. Before I had time to react I was pulled backwards and turned around. I came face to face with Adam and I was too stunned to react as he leaned in and captured my lips with his.

My eyes widened as I realized that he was kissing me. I felt the anger rise and I brought my hands up between us to push him away. Of course it didn’t work (I actually think Adam is slightly stronger than Alex) and I growled in frustration.

I soon realized that the more I struggled against him the more he forced the kiss and I swear my lips were practically bruising by now. When I tried to hit him for the third time Adam slid his left arm around my body and pushed us closer together as he bit down on my lower lip at the same time. I gasped at the stinging pain and I realized too late that that’s what he’d wanted all the time…

Before I could close my mouth again he slipped his tongue past my lips and suddenly…I was completely powerless. I couldn’t do anything to stop the intrusion as his tongue expertly tasted everything. He didn’t leave anything untouched inside my mouth as he kept kissing me but that also meant that I could taste him too.

He tasted…as much as I hate to admit it…fucking wonderful. I groaned mentally.

Could someone just shoot me now?

I gasped again when he suddenly laid his hands against my chest and pushed me backwards. My back connected with the covers on the bed and Adam quickly got on top of me, and captured my lips again before I could turn my head away. He was now straddling me and that gave him even more power because now he could just keep me in place by hugging his thighs tighter around my waist. He realized this too and slowly let go of my arms since I couldn’t do anything to push him off anyway.

I kept struggling but when I bit down on Adam’s lip the only response I got was him groaning and I realized to my utter horror that I had just managed to arouse him further!


Adam suddenly decided to brush his hand up along my torso and when he reached my chest he simply took my right nipple between his fingers and started to massage the bead. I couldn’t help it as I groaned and goose bumps emerged all over me.

He pulled his lips away from mine so we could inhale some much needed air but when he didn’t come back right away I looked up towards his face in confusion. He met my suspicious gaze and the corners of his mouth began to twist upwards as he kept staring at me.

"Fuck you look so good in this position." He suddenly breathed and I could feel my jaw drop. Before I could respond or get angry he connected our lips again but this time he wasn’t forcing his way into my mouth like before. Now he was kissing me almost gently and I could feel my eyes drift shut on their own accord.

This was supposed to teach me something according to Alex and by the looks of it I would say it had… Somewhere along I had stopped fighting Adam’s hold and that’s probably the reason why he was gentler with me now. It was all about delivering a punishment and then they would reward me if I stopped fighting it.

Suddenly Adam began to nibble on my lower lip and I knew that this was probably what the whole thing was about. He was asking me to open my mouth and let him in and if I didn’t the punishment would probably come back and he wouldn’t let me go anytime soon.

Fuck that meant that if I wanted him off me I had to submit and willingly let him enter my mouth. I was usually to stubborn to do that but now it didn’t seem like I had that much of a choice.

Ghaaa I would kill Alex for suggesting sexual…I don’t know…stuff, as punishments.

With a sigh I slowly parted my lips a little and allowed Adam to sneak his hot tongue inside.

He groaned and I did what I was supposed to do and submitted.

For now I would let them win but if they thought I was this easy to tame they were in for a big surprise…

Just saying...

You can't run from us  [BoyxBoy]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora