Chapter 35: The end of the game

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I had just hung up on Matt when I heard footsteps outside the closet and I didn’t even think as I threw the phone behind some shoes.

“Shit what now?!”

I panicked and forgot all about the hide- and seek game and when the door to the closet flew open I actually think I suffered a heart attack right then and there. A picture of my foster dad flashed before my eyes and I didn’t even think as I threw myself towards the person at the door. I landed on him and we crashed to the ground with a loud bang, me on top.

We hadn’t even reached the floor when I brought my fist back and I was just about to hit the person in his face when a strong voice froze me on the spot.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” The voice boomed and I immediately snapped my head in the direction of it. My eyes landed on a fuming Alex and I felt my eyes grow big.


I suddenly remembered about the game we had been playing and I quickly turned my head to the person lying beneath me. I was met with Vincent’s baffled face and I cursed loudly.

“Ah fuck, I’m sorry dude I thought you were... I don’t know I forgot all about the stupid game!” I said with a nervous laughter and Vincent grimace at me from below.

“I don’t care about what you thought, get of him now!” Alex growled and I looked over at his shaking form.

What was his problem?

I rolled my eyes at him and in the blink of an eye he was standing before us. He didn’t waste a second as he took a strong grip around my right arm, pulling me up from Vincent and crushing me against his own chest.

“What the hell, get of me! You’re strangling me!” I choked as I tried to squirm out of his hold. The words had barely left my mouth when I was spun around and pushed against the wall. My back hit the hard surface and I would have lost my balance if Alex hadn’t still got such a strong hold on me. He had followed right behind me and now he pressed himself against me, keeping me up against the wall.

Silence fell and I couldn’t help but notice how close he was standing and how good he actually smelled. I took a deep breath and turned my eyes towards his, trying to read the expression in them. They weren’t fully black and as I watched they slowly turned a deep shade of blue and I couldn’t help it as I lost myself in them for a second. Alex eyes bore into mine and I almost felt as if he could read my thoughts.

A second later his gaze left mine and started traveling down towards my lips. His eyes swirled and I could feel my heart picking up speed as he leaned closer to me. The smell of him had my senses on edge and I could feel the now familiar tingle as his body touched mine. What the hell was I even doing?

I guess Alex could see the decision to move away form on my face because before I knew it he closed the distance between us, pressing his lips gently but firmly against my own. I froze on the spot as he put a hand on my hip to keep me in place.

The shirt I had borrowed from Adam earlier wasn’t thick enough and the heat from his touch burned at my skin. I gasped as he trapped my lower lip between his teeth and bit down slightly, causing my lips to part. He wasted no time and simply pushed his tongue inside my mouth. My eyes drifted shut on their own accord and the sensation of him so close had me trembling with pleasure.

I surprised myself when I let out a breathless moan and I could feel Alex tightening his hold on my waist. My mind had clouded and I couldn’t form a single thought. I couldn’t even remember why I had tried to push him away before.

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