Chapter 1: Abuse

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Picture to the side/above: Ash

The picture was modified so that Ash have the violet eyes I picture him with, thanks a lot to SuckMyHarryBalls for making this picture more awesome than it already was! And yeah... I ship your screen-name so hard xD 


"For fuck sake..., Ash get down here immediately!" I hear my dad yell angrily from downstairs.

Great, what did he want now? Couldn't he leave me alone for one second?

I sighed but got up nonetheless because I knew it would be a mistake to anger him more. Been there too many times before... 

I slowly make my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen where my father stands, clutching what appears to be an empty beer can. 

"As usual" I thought to myself but I kept my mouth shut and waited for him to say what I already knew he'd say.

"Explain this now! Didn't I tell you to go buy me more beer yesterday?" He was shooting me furious looks and I decided that it wouldn't be wise to tell him that he had already finished the beers I bought him yesterday. Instead I shrugged my shoulders and said:

"Sorry sir, I forgot." 

He slammed the fridge close and stomped towards me. I refused to cover up even if I wanted to because I knew that he would only hit me harder if I did. When he got to me he took a strong grip around my arm and I made my face unreadable as he brought his hand up to hit me. 

His open palm connected with my face and I went down by the sheer force of his blow. My so called 'father' wasn't a weak man, that's for certain.

He wasn't really my 'real' father though because I'm a foster child like everybody else in this house. He keeps us around to earn money and he forces us to work so all he will have to do is sit at home and drink beer. Not that it was ever enough, no he wanted more and lately he had been worse than usual. The bruises from his latest hits hadn't even had time to fade before he gave me new ones.

Trust me, I hated him.

I stayed down to avoid being hit again but he kicked me a few times in the ribs before he tossed something at me and backed away.

"Go to the store boy, and buy me some beer now, if you don't want me to give your 'little sister' a visit later." He growls at me. 

I give him an angry look before I grab the money he threw at me and pull myself up from the floor. I ignored the pain in my side which probably indicates that I have bruised my ribs, it may even be a cracked one, and tightens my jaw before I say:

"I'll go but only if you swear not to touch her."

'She' was a girl named Kate who had been brought here a month ago. I had stayed clear of the other kids, but not her. She had gotten to me and now I couldn't stand to see her get hurt. I'd do anything to keep the man in front of me away from her. I almost considered her my little sister. She's only five but she can talk like a girl twice her age, believe me. Because I am the oldest of all the kids in this house I feel responsible for them but like I said, especially her.

He nodded at me and I didn't say anything more, I just turned on my heels and left. 

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