Chapter 18: A little pleasure in the woods

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Alex’s eyes were glued to mine for what felt like forever before he suddenly made a gesture towards Anton who nodded and then walked up to me. He gave me a hard look before he took a careful hold on me and threw me over his right shoulder. I grimaced when my wounded and bare chest met with his shirt but it could have been worse I guess.

"I assume you will not be too hard on him." I heard Ethan say slowly and I couldn’t help but smile even if he couldn’t see me.

"It’s touching that you care about me Ethy." I said in my sweetest girl-voice. I heard Ethan growl at this and Anton slapped my ass hard enough for me to stop laughing before he said:

"You’ll be silent from now on Ash. I don’t want to hear a single word from you until we get home."

"As for your question Ethan; Oh no you can bet we will. He’ll regret the day he was born." Alex voice was determined and even if I couldn’t see his face I knew that they shone menacingly. I rolled my eyes even if he couldn’t see me. How did I end up in the middle of this shit?

"Oh and Ethan? You shouldn’t be here in the first place. Our land starts over there so you’re technically trespassing." It was Adam who had spoken and I looked at him in surprise. He weren’t that much for speaking so when he actually did I couldn’t help but listen closer to what he had to say. I didn’t understand his statement though. I thought their “land” ended where the forest started, you know where their garden stopped.

"Yeah I know, we accidently run a bit too far but maybe that was a good thing since we managed to help you catch your little runner." Ethan answered and I rolled my eyes again.

"I do have a name you know." I muttered over Anton’s shoulder and that earned me another slap over my ass. Right I wasn’t supposed to talk…I totally forgot about that. I grimaced but then I shut my mouth firmly. I wasn’t a big fan of getting spanked in front of others. Well I didn’t like getting spanked at all…or that was what I tried to keep telling myself anyway…

"We told you to be quiet like a second ago Ash! Gosh if I were you I wouldn’t add to your already big as hell- punishment." Alex growled in my direction and I settled for a huff and an eye-roll in response.

"Let’s go before Alex ends up taking him out here." Kevin chuckled and I shot him a suspicious look. What did he mean by “taking me”? Taking me where? I raised my eyebrow in Kevin’s direction but he just smiled at me. Great, another damn riddle I wouldn’t get an answer for apparently.

Anton suddenly turned and started to walk away and so did Alex and the others, after glaring at Ethan and his friends warningly. I didn’t care though and waved sarcastically at him giving him a small smile and en eye-roll. Ethan tried not to smile but he couldn’t help himself and chuckled at my childish behavior. That didn’t sit well with Alex though and before I knew it he walked up to me and took a hold under my chin. Since I was still hanging over Anton’s shoulder and he was still walking I had a hard time looking at Alex at the same time.

"What?" I glared at him and struggled to get him to release my face. His eyes flashed to a dark blue before he slowly leaned closer to me.

"Keep your fucking hormones in check Ash." He growled at me and I gave him a confused eye. What the hell was he talking about?

"What are you on about? The hell did I do now?" I answered with an irritated voice. Alex gave me a dark look and gestured back towards were we had left Ethan and his friends.

"You know what I mean Ash, don’t play dumb. If you keep looking at him like that I will kill him." Alex sneered at me and suddenly realization hit me. He thought I liked Ethan. “Well that one’s new.” I thought before I took a deep breath and said:

"Wow Alex really? Him of all people, I mean geez I didn’t even look at him for a damn minute before you decide to jump my bones about it."

I huffed at the end of my saying and Alex’s grip under my chin got harder.

"Don’t you huff at me Ash!" He growled and I couldn’t help but pout with my lips and roll my eyes at him.

I shouldn’t have done that.

Before I had time to react Alex dragged me of off Anton’s shoulder and pushed me up against a tree. I wheezed in pain as my bare back hit the bark from the tree but suddenly Alex’s face was just inches away from mine.

We had come a long way already but we were still surrounded by trees and I couldn’t reach anything to defend myself with. The only thing I could do was put my hands in front of me trying to push him away. But it was like trying to push a big rock; Alex wouldn’t even move an inch as I tried to get away from him. Before I knew it he took a firm grip under my chin again locking my head in place so I was forced to face him.

"Alex what the hell! Let me go!" I yelled but seconds later I was muzzled when he placed his hand firmly over my mouth quieting my objections. I was just about to try and bite him when he gave me a dark look and pressed himself against me shocking me completely. I could feel him hard against me and due to the fact that I was slightly shorter than him I felt his member pocking against my waist.

Shit! Suddenly my whole body felt strange and I couldn’t help the quivers that erupted throughout my body making my knees grow weak. I had to hold back a moan when my body started tingling all over and it felt like I was going crazy. Alex eyes flickered between dark blue and pitch black as he put a hand on my waist steadying me so I wouldn’t fall. Hell that didn’t help at all because when his hand connected with my bare skin I surprised myself by whimpering.

All of a sudden Alex’s eyes were a complete dark blue color and he leaned closer to me placing his mouth at the base of my neck. His hot breath made my body go crazy and I could hear him inhaling deeply. He growled a little but that only managed to set me of even more. I was growing hard against him and I knew that he could tell because I could feel him smirking against my sensitive skin.

I knew somewhere back in my mind that something was wrong and that I should put up a fight but I couldn’t bring myself to care right now. All I wanted was the feeling of Alex skin against mine and I stopped fighting his hold on me completely. He leaned closer and I groaned as he slided his hand over my bare chest causing both pleasure and pain to erupt at the same time, thanks to my still not healed wounds.

"Well well well… What do we have here?" My eyes shot open when the new voice sliced through my daze. I hadn’t even noticed that I had closed them but now my gaze met Alex’s still dark eyes and I gasped at what I had just done. I managed to push Alex away by surprise and I saw that everybody were now turned in the direction of the new voice.

Alex growled at me but then he realized that we weren’t alone anymore and soon after he placed himself in front of me in a protecting way, staring in the same direction as everybody else. When his eyes had left me I leaned back against the tree for support and I couldn’t help but shiver at the sudden coldness. 

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