Chapter 10

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"Hey Lauren...?"

"Anyone there?"


"Huh what?" I jolted my head. I looked around puzzled as to where I was.

"Lauren what the hell?" I turned my head and finally noticed Dinah giving me a worried expression.

Still confused, I looked around to find myself in history class. "What do you mean?" I asked barely audible as I rubbed my forehead.

"What happened to you? You completely zoned out on me. It was weird, it's like you were in another world...literally." She replied cautiously while looking toward the teacher who sat on his desk typing away on his computer as everyone worked.

I opened my mouth to explain but instead closed it right after. What did happen? All I remember was going outside and talking to Camila before she disappeared. I don't even remember coming to lunch or for that matter, ending up here in history.

"You're blanking out again Lauren." Dinah sighed, "Are you okay? You seemed really out of it at lunch."

"I was?" I asked

"Yea, we were talking and out of a sudden you stopped responding and literally sat there without even moving. It was like you....froze?" She frowned her eyes indecisively as she wasn't sure on how to word it. "Yea froze." She nodded.

"Froze? What the hell?" I asked a little too loudly. The teacher looked at us and gave us a warning stare. I gave him an apologetic look before looking at my desk to see a packet in front of me. Was this what we are suppose to be working on?

"Yea you did. Then we we got up to go to history, you literally stood like a statue and walked to class without even saying anything nor blinking. It was freaky in all honesty. No offense." She whispered, pretending to write on her paper as the teacher glanced at us again. I got an eerie feeling in me as those words left Dinah's mouth. What had happened to me? I don't remember anything, I don't even remember coming here or going to lunch. What the hell happened?

"I-I uh, had a lot on my mind, sorry." I apologized even though that wasn't what happened. I wasn't even sure how to respond to that without sounding confusing.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She turned toward me with a concern expression.

"I-um yea. I'm fine, thanks." I ran my hand through my hair as questions flooded my mind.

The bell rung right after and we all gathered our stuff.

"The packet is due no later than tomorrow. I will not be accepting late packets, so get those done!" The teacher called out as kids piled out the door.

"I really hope you get better and remember we're here if you need us." Dinah gave me a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder before following me out the door.

"I will and thanks Dinah."

"No problem, anyways I got to go. I haven't seen Camila today which means I might be alone for my next class." Dinah pouted. I let out a small laugh.

"You'll be fine." I nudged her playfully.

"Yea, we'll see." She sighed before shooting me a smile. "Anyways I'll see you later, bye my green eyed kitten!" She waved bye as she headed the opposite direction. I waved bye and headed the other way. I sighed as I made my way to my next class. Everything is still so confusing to me. What happened to me?

I was about to enter the classroom when a voice startled me.

"Hey, it's Lauren right?" I heard behind me. I turned and saw a guy with semi-curly brown hair and a cute smile with dimples.

"Oh um yea." I replied confused.

"Oh sorry, I should introduce myself, I'm Brad." He gave me a cheeky smile as he extended his hand out for me.

I hesitantly shook his hand, "I'm Lauren." I greeted back still slightly confused.

"You're probably confused as to how I know you," He chuckled to lighten to mood, "I just wanted to properly introduced myself to the new girl I suppose. We don't get many and I've heard a lot about you."

"Um cool. Well nice to meet you, I have to get to class." I pointed back to my classroom and was about to make my way there when a hand grabbed my arm. I immediately turned around and glanced at the hand. Brad retracted his hand as fast as he had put it.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to do that. I just um wanted to know if hopefully you would join musical with me?" He asked sheepishly.

"What the hell musical? I can't even sing?" I asked bewildered.

"But Dinah said you could?" He asked puzzled.

"Dinah said what?"

"She said she's heard you sing when you don't notice or hum a song while doing your work or something and suggested I ask you since I need a lead singer." He shrugged.

I was shocked to even hear that. I knew I wasn't a horrible singer but that didn't mean I was confident in my singing ability as to why I never sang for anyone nor in front of anyone. Knowing Dinah has heard me made me embarrassed.

"Please Lauren? Give it a shot please, or at least think about it?" He pleaded with his brown eyes. I was gonna decline when Normani came up behind me.

"She'll do it!" Normani enthusiastically accepted for me.


"Great! Practice is after school next week, I'll let you know more about it. Thanks Lauren!" He called as he rushed down the hall to get to his class on time.

"Normani what the hell?!" I exclaimed

"Hey you'll thank me." She winked before going to her classroom which was two away from mine.

I groaned in frustration as I went to class just as the final bell rung.

Could this day get worse and less weirder?


Wow long time no see lol.

[A/N]: Super sorry for this very late update. Wattpad wasn't letting me in on my desktop and my phone was fucked up so I couldn't log in. I finally got a new phone last week and I hurried to revise and try to correct what I changed, as I said in the chapter before, people said I should change things about my story and I tried to do that but I realized I shouldn't change my story for anyone, anyways long story short, I tried changing it back which didn't necessarily go as planned as I totally forgot what I had before I made changes. (Some chapters will be bad/short in result of this, again biggest apologies). That's another factor in why I took long.

Anyways really sorry again and this time updates should run smoothly unless wattpad decides to not let me log in like it has been doing lately.

Again really sorry and thank you for your votes, comments and messages. Means a lot. I really hope you like where this story is going because I have a lot planned.

Also please don't be effy about the musical thing. This won't be some high school musical book and I'm not changing the plot or the vampire/werewolf theme. It will continue to be that but the musical thing is kinda important on a certain part in the future. Just trust me.

Thank you for your support. Much love and remember to be kind to others and most importantly yourself!



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