Chapter 16

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The next day seemed to drag even more longer. The sound of lockers slamming, teacher's lectures, and the murmurs of gossip were even more harder to tolerate as I rested my head on the table. I was currently in the library where Dinah, me and Camila used to meet up in the mornings. I sighed as I stared at the empty spot where Camila once always sat. Everything just feels different without her presence at school. When she would disappear for a few days it didn't bother me as much because I knew she would return not long after. But now she's been gone for weeks. Months.

You could tell Dinah missed her. Even though Camila hardly ever spoke or showed a glimpse of interest in whatever Dinah was ranting about, she still was someone Dinah cared about. She kept her company and in a lot of ways I feel like Dinah felt she wouldn't be judged or betrayed by Camila. Just like me.

I gloomily scribbled on my piece of paper as I was deep in thought about everything. It's obvious I had intense feelings for Camila, no matter how much I tried not to show it or deny it. I thought maybe Brad could help and it did for a while but the feeling of missing Camila and the worry of her being okay was way too intense to blindly forget about.

"Hey Laur, you feeling okay?" I heard the soft voice of Ally come next to me. I glanced at her and shrugged.

"Yea, just something personal." I vaguely answered as she took a seat next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She gently asked in that motherly voice. I debated not to tell her. I mean how could I explain that I was involved with vampires and werewolves, not to mention had feelings for the "not normal" girl?

"No I'm okay, thanks for the offer though. I just rather not talk about it." I kindly rejected. I didn't want to bother her even more. She already had so much on her plate, that I even barely saw her because of how busy she was. My problems were just gonna cause her more stress.

"Are you sure? You know I'm always here if you need me." Ally softly placed her hand over mine.

"I know, thank you again." I smiled appreciatively.

"Hey Lauren." I snapped my head and saw Brad there with some books in his hands. "Um Ally, right?" He kindly turned his attention to her.

Ally smiled and nodded. "Yes, good to finally properly meet you." She took out her hand as Brad semi-struggled with holding his books in one arm and shook Ally's with the other.

"You can sit if you want." I offered him since he seemed to be tired from holding all his books.

"Oh you sure? I don't want to intrude in your guys conversation." He politely asked.


"I was just leaving anyways." Ally cut me off. She grabbed her stuffed before smiling and saying goodbye.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." Brad apologized as he sat his things down.

"It's fine." I waved off as he pulled out a chair and sat in front of me.

"So have you been feeling well lately? You seem a lot more distant now." He inspected me with a concerned look.

I sighed as I seemed to get that question a lot. "Yea, personal things." I answered for the millionth time.

"Well I hope they get better. Someone like you shouldn't be frowning all the time. You have a beautiful smile." He complimented as I let out a soft laugh.

"Um thanks." I awkwardly thanked him.

"Did you get my text message last night?" He asked seeing how awkward I got, while moving his books aside so he could get more comfortable.

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