Chapter 42

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•Lauren's POV•

"Victoria did this?" Tyler roared as he snatched the papers out of Camila's hands. His eyes looked over the results in his hands as he looked up at Liam then to Camila who sat next to me in silence. He shook his head furiously and threw the paper on the ground before storming off. Liam gave Camila a glance before leaving with Louis to go find Tyler before he did something he might regret.

"C-Camila?" I hesitantly grabbed her shoulder and she looked at me with an expressionless face. I knew she was keeping her emotions bottled up as everyone's gaze was still on us. No one spoke a word but at the same time it was like they were all yelling. Their eyes were stone cold that it sent shivers.

Without thinking I wrapped my arms around Camila and pulled her in for a hug. I didn't say anything and I didn't need to, I just wanted to be there for her. She didn't react at first but after a couple of moments I felt her arms slowly envelope around me and hold me tight as she clutched my shirt in her hands. I looked up and saw Alessia look at me sadly before avoiding her gaze to the ground. Niall seemed disappointed like he had expected it but was hoping he would've been wrong. Everyone else was just silent with expressions I couldn't understand.

I left my gaze towards them and looked at Camila in my arms. I sighed softly as I reached up and combed her hair soothingly with my fingers.

"Why did it have to be her..." I heard her whisper against my neck. I didn't reply at first as I slowly pulled back and looked at her broken eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by Zendaya's voice.

"Everyone gather your things fast, we must leave now!" She urged with Troye right behind her. Everyone seemed confused and puzzled and definitely caught off guard.

"What's going on?" Selena spoke looking between the two.

"We'll answer later but where is Liam?" Troye asked looking around furiously. "Where is he!" This time he asked frantically.

"He left with Louis to go find Tyler." Olly spoke up pointing towards the direction they left in.

"Shit!" Zendaya exclaimed and quickly grabbed her things. "We'll have to find them on the way. Right now everyone we have to leave now." She stated firmly at all of us.

Camila got up and she seemed alert on something but I ignored her and tried figuring out what was going on. Everyone began putting on their bags and packing up the few things they took out quickly.

"It seems they lead us into another trap." Zendaya sighed as she picked up a blood bag and started drinking it, I'm guessing to up her strength more.

"Wait what happened?" I asked looking over at Troye who was fumbling to put his map in his bag.

"They lead us here on purpose. We were stupid enough to walk right into it again, they'll be here any second so we have to move fast." He informed me quickly and looked at everyone to make sure we were all ready to go.

"Everyone's set?" Zendaya called and everyone replied by a shake of their head. I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. I noticed Camila still had a frown and was looking around.

"Camila what's wrong?"

She didn't answer me right away as something caught her attention.

"Something isn't right..." She spoke in a whisper.

Just then something jumped out of the woods and tackled Emre to the ground with a loud Yelp. I quickly looked behind me and saw that we were surrounded by wolves. They were bigger and more scarier than the last time I saw them.

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