Chapter 40

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•Lauren's POV•

*3 Weeks Later*
I was getting home sick a lot but knew I had no option but to deal with it since I didn't really have a choice in that matter. Zayn volunteered to keep me updated on my parents and Dinah. For some reason he would never tell me anything about Ally or Normani and every time I asked he would just change the subject, same with everyone else. I was a little frustrated no one was telling me what was going on with my two friends, sure we had fights and we didn't necessarily leave on good terms but that doesn't mean I didn't care for them.

Anyways, Camila had me practicing in the work out room literally everyday and when she couldn't she surprisingly asked Zayn to fill in for her. Zayn and I were both completely shocked when she did because neither of us had expected that but I saw it in her eyes the day she had asked Zayn. It was like it pained her to ask him but she sucked it up because she knew it was the best option. Especially since Zayn is the best fighter out of all them besides Harry. Zayn had agreed and gave Camila a small squeeze on the shoulder letting her know everything was going to be fine.

Still to this point I don't understand her jealousy. Of course me and Zayn bonded because I had no one else but we're strictly friends. Zayn has never made a go at me or a comment that was out of line. He was actually my go to person when speaking on mine and Camila's relationship. He always knew how to solve our small problems and would offer advance since he's known Camila way longer than I have.

But since the last time things weren't going good causing Camila to distance herself sometimes. I knew she was scared, most of all for me, and I knew that feeling too. So I gave her room when she needed it but because of the situation, she also increased my training. Camila was really busy dealing with the captive wolves that she hardly had time so Zayn was currently the only one training me.

"Lauren you ready?" I snapped out of my thoughts and peered up at Zayn who was standing opposite of me. I nodded and got in the form Zayn had been teaching me. "Okay, now remember focus on the the area around you not just what I'm about to do. Wolves travel in groups and attack in them too. If you focus on only one you won't see the others coming from the side and behind you." He explained looking at me to see if I understood. I gave a firm nod signalizing him I was ready. He nodded back than looked towards Troye, Alessia and Austin who were currently helping as well. He gave a thumbs up before turning his attention back to me.

I breathed out and prepared myself as Zayn moved toward me slowly and I got ready for any unexpected attack. As our eyes focused on each other I was trying to keep aware of my surroundings, on the corner of my eyes I saw Austin start moving foreword too but I didn't leave my sight on Zayn. They weren't going to use their vampire speed or reflexes. They studied the movements of the wolves and tried to imitate their speed and the way they fight.

Out of a sudden Austin attacked but I was prepared and as he came near me I turned back and flipped him over just as Troye and Alessia came at me. I kicked Alessia in the stomach and elbowed Troye in the face then quickly swept my leg back knocking Zayn over. I was breathing heavily as I stood over them, they all had proud smiles except Troye who I had elbowed in the face so he had his hand over his nose but stuck his thump out to congratulate me. I gave them all a grateful but apologetic look. Zayn stood up and smiled at me proud.

"Good job Lauren. You can see your progress, it's really good. We just have to continue like this and hopefully you'll be prepared enough to at least defend yourself if the time comes." Zayn patted me on the back and I nodded in appreciation.

"Nice work Lauren! That was a good back throw." Austin smiled as we fist bumped. I had gotten super close to all of them in just a short time. Austin took a little while longer for being that Camila didn't want him near me but through practices we've hanged out and talked.

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