Chapter 26

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We entered the library and sat at the same table as always. But instead of Camila sitting next to Dinah, she made her way around the table and plopped herself right next to me. I smiled at her as she gave one back.

I was happy since I thought we were going to be late but turns out we had a couple more minutes since the teachers had an unexpected meeting with the main district. Giving us plenty of time to chill and hang until the teachers were out.

Dinah huffed jokingly, "The nerve of you." But nonetheless smiled at both of us. Pretty obvious that we liked each other, Dinah respected it.

Dinah filled us in on all the school work and tried to catch us up, especially Camila. It was strictly on homework, notes and tests until Dinah got side tracked and started gossiping about drama that was going around.

"Dinah I want to catch Camila up on school work, not catching up on who's  hates who, or how slept with this person or even who's dating whatever." I spoke before Dinah could go on and on about another drama topic. She squinted her eyes at me and huffed.

"You've been catching some attitude jauregay."

"Dinah I wasn't-"

"Guys," Camila interrupted softly, "It's fine." She chuckled looking at me then over to Dinah. "Dinah can finish her story and catch me up on school later, besides..."

She looked over at me, "I have all the time in the world."

"Thank you mila! See take notes jauregay."

I sighed, "it's jauregUI Dinah for the last time." I was gonna continue when I felt a paper ball hit my face.

I gasped as I looked over at Dinah who was smirking in a challenging tone. I raised my eyebrow accepting the challenge.

Camila sighed shaking her head, "here we go..."

I quickly teared up a paper out of my notebook and threw it as fast as I could. Hitting Dinah square in the face. I let out a laugh when I felt another paper ball hit my face and then another....and then another.

Camila soon stopped us as we made a mess of paper balls all around us. She warned us to keep our laughter down being cautious of the librarian kicking us out.

I just flicked her nose and giggled. She crinkled her nose in response, pouting.

"Ow." She playfully flicked mine back. I giggled and bumped my head with hers softly before grabbing her hand under the table.

I then realized that Dinah was still sitting across from us with the biggest smug face ever.

"We're all friends here, right?" Dinah spoke right after.

Me and Camila glanced at each other, confused by Dinah's comment. We nodded and replied, "Of course."

"I just you know I would tell you guys everything...right?"

Again we just nodded still not following up to what this was leading.

"Would you guys tell me everything? You know.... anything important?" She crossed her fingers and stared at us.

Camila squeezed my hand and I looked over at her. Her look said it all. Dinah basically knew we were dating but wanted us to confirm it to her.

She's Not Normal (Camren)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora