Chapter 32

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•Camila's POV•

Harry and I waited outside in the chilly air as we were expecting four boys to arrive. Harry had called them and said it was an emergency and without hesitation they said they would be here. We were expecting Liam to be first as he was the closest and more responsible with time than the others.

Knowing Louis, he probably stopped midway to chase a deer for fun and Niall most likely was finishing up a golf tournament. It's weird to picture a vampire playing golf but Niall was laid back like that. He blended in with the humans better than anyone. He also loved the faces his opponents would make when he would hit the golfball perfectly into the hole without even glancing at it.

I chuckled quietly to myself just picturing everything right now. My thoughts were interrupted when a flash blur came behind us. I already knew who it was before even turning around. His scent confirming I was right.

"Nice to see you Liam." Harry greeted as he turned around. He had a look that also said he was expecting Liam to be first.

"Evening mate." He greeted then turned to me with a smile. Liam's smile always had a warm feeling to it that despite everything going on, I couldn't help but smile back. "Ello Camila. You've grown quiet a lot eh?"

I shrugged, "Nice to see you too Liam and I'd say so myself." I said quickly looking down at myself.

Then another blur came and we all looked over to find Zayn fixing his leather jacket. "Damn, crossing across the Country wasn't as easy as it was two hundred years ago." He huffed more to himself.

"Hello Zayn." Harry greeted casually while Liam went to go hug his good friend.

"Nice to see you Zayn, long time!" They quickly hugged and Zayn approached us. Him and Harry shook hands formally with respect. Out of all five of them, Harry and Zayn were the most serious and were always the more cautious ones.

His brown golden orbs turned to me as he smiled softly and pulled me in for a small hug. "Nice to see you doing well Camila." His thick accent clearly heard.

"I wouldn't say well..." I slightly joked but he knew I meant it. Harry hadn't told them why they were exactly here yet. He wanted to have everyone present to discuss the problem and handle it better than just bickering on the phone.

He opened his mouth to say something when a thud hit a tree near us. Harry sighed and shook his head, already knowing who it was.

Niall's laughter filled the air as he clapped his hands and threw his head back. "Did you see that? Man that was hilarious!" Typical Niall laughing at himself whenever he got hurt or did something running too fast and slamming face first into a tree...

Liam was the only one laughing as he greeted Niall the same as Zayn. "Niall I wonder how you manage to survive this long." Harry muttered.

Niall didn't seem to take it to heart as he wrapped his arms around Harry and greeted him. "Me too honestly!" He agreed then moved to hug Zayn. Neither of them really returned it as they didn't like contact much. Again, Niall brushed if off like he was used to it already. Wouldn't blame him, he's known them way longer than me.

"Oi is that Camila?!" Niall examined me as I let out an awkward laughed and nodded. "You've grown!" He pulled me in for a hug and I returned it.

"Yeah...2 centimeters." Harry mumbled causing me to glare at him. Just because I wasn't super tall like him didn't mean I hadn't grown.

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