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Before Anakin could say anything, he was interrupted by the yells of the sand people.

"We should go indoors, Tusken Raiders are easily scared off but they'll be back, and in greater numbers." Anakin told his son.

"Indoors? Where?" Luke questioned, standing after Anakin.

"My home, of course. You don't think I've just been roaming the sand all these years, do you?" Anakin laughed. R2 then beeped, Luke looked back then up.

"3PO." Luke sighed. Anakin couldn't believe it. His two droids stayed together all these years? Even though 3PO was more (Y/N)'s droid than his, he did create him. By now he knew 3PO wouldn't remember him. His memory is made to throw out things after a certain amount of time. He smiled anyway and ran after his son to see the gold plated droid with his arm ripped out of his socket.

"Oh dear, I must've taken a wrong step." 3PO's posh voice spoke.

"Can you walk?" Luke asked the droid.

"I don't know, Master Luke, just go on without me." 3PO said. Anakin smiled, this was the happiest he'd been in years.

"Aw, come on now. What kind of talk is that?" Luke tried to pick the droids spirits up.

"Quickly, they are coming." Anakin rushed them after hearing the sand people approaching.

They threw the droids in the speeder and hopped in. Anakin directed his son to his home. It was not too far away on top of the dunes. It was a little hide away, and upon first glance it seemed cozy.

But once Anakin approached the door he noticed something different. The door was open slightly. He made the mechanical door to do such a thing when someone besides him opened it. Anakin took a deep breath to try and feel through the Force if it was a malicious presence. But instead he felt a familiar one. There were few people he knew, about 4 still left. Also few people who knew where he resided in. His heart scanned through and hoped as he always did that he'd walk in to see (Y/N).

The real (Y/N). Not this Darth Majka that the dark side keeps campaigning around like a show dog. He hated everything he saw about Darth Majka. He hated it when anyone would say anything about her, they didn't know her. They don't know she has a family. That she loved someone. That she's broken and lost.

"What's wrong?" Luke bumped into Anakin holding 3PO up on his feet.

"I'm not sure. But there's only one way to find out." Anakin opened the door. He walked in and went past the front entrance to the den. In it sat a bearded, powerful man that Anakin hadn't seen since he was a much a younger man.

"Anakin." Obi-Wan turned his head and stood.

"Obi-Wan?" Anakin couldn't believe his eyes. He hurried to hug his former Master, "What're you doing here, old man?"

"Old man? I think you forget I'm not much older than you." Obi-Wan warned his apprentice. He found himself amused in flicking the short brown hairs on his jaw. "I see you've taken after me, grown out the beard?"

"Not because of you, it's just less reason to stay clean shaven here." Anakin said. He looked back and saw Luke, "Come in, Luke, sit down. This is my former Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"Master? You were a slave?" Luke asked, suddenly extremely uncomfortable.

"Well, uh, yes. But not to Obi-Wan." Anakin corrected, "We were once Jedi Knights, same as your mother."

"You both knew my mother?" Luke asked, his suspicions raising. Obi-Wan and Anakin both sat next to Luke.

"Yes. Your parents were both great warriors in the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars." Obi-Wan shared.

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