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Luke wandered back to where his ship sat. Artoo beeped a greeting, but is then ignored by his depressed master. Luke knelt down, and began to help Artoo with the ship, then stops and shakes his head dejectedly.

"I can't do it, Artoo. I can't go on like this." Luke said, feeling as though his training wasn't finished.

"Yoda will always be with you." Anakin appeared, having landed further ways away he approached his son.

"Anakin..." Luke uttered.

"You must bear in mind all that Yoda taught you, Luke." Anakin assured him, "If things weren't crazy before, it's going to be."

"Why? Why didn't anyone tell me earlier? You all knew?" Luke asked, a hint of anger and bitterness coming back. Anakin sighed, preparing to have this conversation again.

"I wanted to tell you the minute you showed up on my doorstep, Obi-Wan told me I shouldn't and I wanted to do what was best for you. You had to be prepared." Anakin explained.

"You told me Majka betrayed and murdered my mother." Luke clenched his jaw, "How could I ever trust you after that?"

"That was Obi-Wan who-" Anakin started to sigh but it was no excuse, he was an adult now. As much as he dreaded talking about this again, he let that happen and thats the truth, "Your mother was seduced by the dark side of the Force. She ceased to be (Y/N) Skywalker and became Darth Majka. When that happened, she betrayed everything and everyone that she had ever believed in. The good man who was your father was destroyed. So what we have told you was true... from a certain point of view."

"A certain point of view!?" Luke turned away from his father. Disappointed and disgusted.

  "Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." Anakin shared his wisdom, sounding so much like his Master disgusted even himself.

  "You let me think I was training to face my mother's killer. Not to slay my own flesh and blood." Luke cut his father viciously with his words.

Anakin studied him in silence for a moment. He hated to even hear that he wanted to kill his mother's killer. That somehow Yoda tricked him to think that was his mission. Since when did Jedi' decide that they're soul purpose was to kill others? Anakin always had a disliking for death, maybe because it's his wife and that makes him biased, but he saw more harm than good in killing others before talking.

"I don't blame you for being angry." Anakin nodded, understanding and seeing the same anger he had as a child, "If I was wrong in what I did, it certainly wouldn't have been for the first time. What happened to your mother... was my fault." He swallowed, finally saying his thoughts out loud, "(Y/N) was not just the mother of my children, she was the love of my life, my best friend. Had I focused on her instead of the war for a few more moments.."

Luke turned with interest at this. As Anakin speaks, Luke settles on a stump, mesmerized. Anakin joins him at the side of the stump. Artoo comes over to offer his comforting presence.

"When I first really met her, your mother was already the best shot in the academy. But I was amazed how strongly the Force was with her. She humbled me. All I ever wanted was for her to care for me. Or to at least admit that I wasn't crazy for having such strong feelings for her." Anakin blamed himself further, had he just followed his Master's orders maybe he could've avoided this. But also maybe if the Order accepted them, none of this would've happened.

"What did she say?" Luke asked, he wasn't looking at him. But he longed for a paternal figure so much as a child, he felt a certain part of him grow just from listening.

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