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"Why did you leave her alone?" Anakin asked his old Master.

"Anakin, we hadn't had any threats in years. Her father asked if I'd join him to a Senate meeting and she left before telling me she'd change the time of departure. She left me a note, telling me to meet her here." Obi-Wan told him. She had (Y/N)'s communication skills, surely.

"And now she's in the hands of the Empire. (Y/N) could find out any minute that that's a remnant of her past and who knows how she'll react." Anakin's heart began beating so quickly.

"She won't be dead anytime soon." Obi-Wan nodded.

"As comforting as that is, I still don't know how the rest of this will go." Anakin rolled his eyes until setting his face in stone, "What should I tell Luke?" Anakin asks for advice.

"I think it'd be wise to bring him with you. Teach him the ways of the Force." Obi-Wan told Anakin.

"But (Y/N) and I said-" Anakin started,

"But (Y/N) isn't around anymore. The world is much different from when you two might've made any kind of promise to each other about the fate of your child." Obi-Wan comforted Anakin, calmed him down, "You cannot leave him behind now. He could be very useful, I'm getting too old, and you can't do this on your own."

"I know.. I don't know how to tell him." Anakin said.

"Tell me what?" Luke burst from the room. He had heard enough, "You know, I've just about had enough of you two. This whole force mumbo-jumbo is just a bunch of-of bantha fodder. You don't have to admit to being my father but if that's your droid then take him and go help that poor girl. I'll just get out of your hair."

Anakin sighed in defeat, he really should've just told him. Anakin held his head in his face embarrassment, this was not at all who he was. Truth was, Anakin Skywalker had forgotten who he was. After 19 years of hiding Anakin had transformed himself into Anakin Starkiller so full-heartedly it was like he had forgotten the brave soldier he always was. But now, he remembers.

"Luke, wait!" Anakin called after him, by the time Anakin had composed himself Luke was stomping down to his speeder.

"Nope." Luke hopped into his speeder, placing C-3PO in the back seat.

"Luke, we need your help." Anakin came to the side of his speeder, "She needs your help."

"What could I possibly do to help? I'm just a messenger." Luke said, he hung his head.

"Come with us to Alderaan, learn the ways of the force. We can teach you." Anakin tried to convince him.

"Alderaan?" He started up his speeder, "No, no way. I can't go to Alderaan, there's way too much work here to do. And it's not like I like the Empire, I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now... It's such a long way from here."

"That's your uncle talking." Anakin stopped him there, neither Anakin or (Y/N) would be afraid of traveling far, "Learn about the force, Luke. I can see it in your eyes that you do want to learn. Don't let him speak for you."

"I wish I could help. But I'm already in for it as it is." Luke said, Anakin's eyes shifted, "Listen, I can take you both as far as Anchorhead. From there you can catch a transport to Mos Eisley or somewhere you need to be to catch a ship to Alderaan."

"Of course. You must do what you feel is right." Anakin backed off, he didn't want to pressure Luke into Jedi ways in the first place. He wanted it to be his choice, just as much as it should be his choice to come with him. Not his Owen's.

"Let's go then, quickly. If I'm correct I'm sure the Empire already has a target set on those droids."

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Luke and the droids squeezed into the speeder. Luke drove them to the route towards Anchorhead. Along the way they found themselves blocked by a Jawa droid transport ship that has recently been shot down.

"Who could've done something like this?" Luke hopped out of the speeder to investigate.

"Wait, Luke, it probably isn't safe to get too close." Anakin protected his son.

"Well, it looks like the Sand People did this. Look at this, theres gaffing sticks, bantha tracks, I've just never heard of the sand people doing anything to this scale before." Luke said, kicking a stick or two.

"That's what the Empire wants you to think." Obi-Wan looked across the tracks and strike marks.

"Obi-Wan's right." Anakin exhaled, feeling the force around him he heard the blast strikes and speech of Stormtroopers. Due to Luke's skepticism of the Force though, Anakin decided not to go with the explanation that had to do with him just feeling that it was the Empire.

"You see these tracks, their set side by side. Sand People travel single file to hide their numbers." Anakin hurried to find proof, "And you see these blast marks? Only Imperial Stormtroopers would have the blaster fire, technology, and precision to make these."

"Wait a minute, I think these are the same Jawas that sold us R2 and 3PO." Luke looked at the signature number displayed on the side, "What would Imperial stormtroopers want with a ton of Jawas?" And then it was like the alarm went off in his head, "If the Empire has placed a target on the droids back, and they tracked them to the Jawas they would've learned who they sold them to which would've lead them back.. home..." Luke hurried past his two guardians.

"Hold on, Luke!" Anakin yelled after him, but Luke ran fast. His emotions carried him into his speeder and far away.

Anakin and his former Master stood there. With no way to follow him, they were stuck. They began clearing a path that when Luke does come back they can move past the wreck.

"I should've told him, Obi-Wan. He deserves to know that I'm his father." Anakin threw a metal fragment towards a canyon wall.

"If he knows who you are, what stops him from asking who his mother is?" Obi-Wan asks, trying to bring him to a place of clarity.

"What's the harm? Like you said, (Y/N) is gone." Anakin clenched his fist, "He'll need to know eventually that his mother is a Dark Lady of the Sith."

"Eventually." Obi-Wan repeated. "For now, let us focus on what he does need to know. He can know that we knew his parents. That we need his help. And that he needs to learn the Force."

"I'm sure he already knows that I'm his father." Anakin argues, "He can feel it! He's so powerful in the force. You feel it, too, don't you? He's the child of two force users-"

"Two very powerful force users. I know. His sister is no different, but much more off put about the idea of the force. If they are willing, we will need all the help of defeating (Y/N)." Obi-Wan said.

"It's not (Y/N)." Anakin glared at him. It was like being transported in time. Anakin was right back where he was.

"Darth Majka." Obi-Wan corrected. At the sound of the name it was like a stab into Anakin's chest.

But it wasn't the sound of the name that hurt him, the name triggered something. Anakin had grown to be the most powerful force-user, he had abilities never explored before. Anakin had the strongest connection to (Y/N). The name triggered the connection.

In that moment he felt everything she did. It was so painful. He fell down to the ground, holding his chest and gasping for air. How could anyone live like this? He felt the burn ignite on his neck. He felt the stress on his mind. In his robotic hand it felt like it couldn't move. It was as if screws and metals had been twisted and pressed inside of him and behind his eyes and poked into his skin.

"Anakin? Anakin? Where is your pain?" Obi-Wan knelt down beside him, "What's happening?"

"It's.. Not.." Anakin croaked out. Anakin had always been a strong man. He's endures thousands of tortures as a Jedi knight, but this torture he felt was in his soul. It was like being eaten alive and suffocated at the same time and slower than even imagined. "... Not my pain... (Y/N), it's (Y/N)! I feel her! She's-She's in pain! I need to help her.."

And then it vanished.

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