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They had a quiet refreshment. Not many of them even drank, including Majka. In fact none of them were even courteous enough to sit.

"You are not prisoners here." Majka told them, "Although I will do what I must to keep you here."

"That sounds like imprisonment to me." Han talked back. Majka got into his face.

"You haven't experienced captivation long enough to know what it's like, Captain Solo. I can show you, if you like." Majka told him slowly. Han decided it best to shut up.

Majka looked at her daughter, for a moment Leia swore she saw her eyes soften. But the moment lasted less than that as Majka tilted her head at her. Majka felt that she knew her identity.

"You told her." Majka looked at Anakin.

"I won't speak to you with that thing on your face." Anakin said back, in fact he wouldn't even look at her. Trying to avoid the amount of overwhelming feeling of attachment he felt.

"Have you accepted what he says as truth?" Majka asked Leia.

"I've accepted the fact that my parents are Anakin Skywalker and (Y/N) (Y/L/N). As for who my mother is now, I don't acknowledge that." Leia spoke. Han looked at her confused, he didn't know this until now.

"Fett, out." Majka demanded of the bounty hunter leave, "Calrissian, show Captain Solo, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca out and hold them somewhere safe."

When they left, Majka looked at Anakin. They were alone. It was like she was seeing him again for the first time. She walked in front of him, staring at his face that looked just as beautiful as the day they fell in love. Sure it was older now and had new wrinkles and scars but so did she. Hell, she had more scars than anyone in this room. She reached out to touch his hand, she needed to feel he was real but before she could he pulled his hand away.

"I said: I won't speak to you with that thing on your face." Anakin repeated. He would never speak to the creature that has overtaken his wife. He would only speak with his wife. Majka hung her head.

It was the mask that made the woman. She wanted to rip it off and speak to him but if she took it off there was no telling how long she'd last alive. Majka checked around the room to make sure all Imperial allies were out. Her paranoia winning over herself. She crushed every security camera. She prayed the Emperor would never find out.

She took off her mask. Ripping it off the magnetized sides that are attached to who knows what. Taking off the mask was breathing new air, seeing new things. It was as if everything shifted, the same way it did in her meditation chambers when she acts differently.

"Anakin." She croaked, her voice without the mask was weak. She longed for his touch, if she could cry she would. He looked down at her at the sound of her voice. He could hardly believe what he had heard was real and in front of him.  The sad look in her eye was the same on Mustafar all those years ago.

"Are you alright?" He reached out and touched her scarred face, (Y/N) melted momentarily at the feeling of his skin. Nobody had touched her lovingly in so long, this was all she wanted, "What have they done to you?"

"I thought you were dead." She couldn't stop looking at him, "They told me you were dead."

"I'm still alive." He assured her. He grabbed her hand, taking a glove off her right fingertips and bringing it to his chest so she could feel his heart beating. As powerful as she looked, he was able to feel how powerless she really was. Her fingers lit on fire with the power that came off him.

"I'm so sorry for everything. I didn't want to-" She uttered.

"It's not your fault." He said, tracing the scars on her face and neck that came from so many tortures, every one of them he felt the amount of pain she received from them. She had been tortured for years, he could only imagine the ones that existed below her collar bone. He knew then how tortured his wife truly was. None of this was what she wanted, she must see it now. These tortured scars are not just from mistakes, but acting out against the Emperor so many times. The Emperor had changed his methods of getting (Y/N) manipulated by him. "(Y/N), we can get you out of here. Nobody knows your true identity-"

"But they will. If not now, 30 years from now. I can't live a life in secret, not anymore." She told him, "But come with me. The Emperor is is not afraid of me but he is scared of you and our son. Even Leia could, you've felt her force she's so strong. We can overthrow him then all be happy together."

"I can't put our children at risk like that. Can you?" Anakin asked her,

"I just want the pain to stop." She said, feeling her lungs begin to burn. Anakin felt her body go limp.

"What's going on?" He asked, keeping her held upright. She tried catching her breathe as Anakin connected the dots. "Here." He held up the mask.

"N-No.." she stuttered, "Y-you d-don't-"

"I'll talk to you, okay. Just please stay with me okay, put the mask on. I just needed to see you and make sure you're still in there." Anakin told her, placing the mask in front of her, it latched on easily to the sides of her face and she took a new breath.

"Speak to me." Anakin demanded. He held onto her lower back, he felt as if her power was being renewed as she stood up higher.

"I'm okay." She told him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"After Mustafar, ash got into my lungs." She turned off her amplifier, "I haven't been able to breathe for very long without it."

"I don't understand.. you were as close to the lava as I was. You shouldn't be in as bad a shape as you are." Anakin analyzed her, "The Emperor has been doing this, hasn't he?"

"Anakin, don't ask me that." (Y/N) begged as she walked away from his grasp, "I do not know."

"How many operations has he had on you?" Anakin prodded, getting angrier, "What things has he told you? Has he put things inside of you? (Y/N) he is hurting you. I'll get you out of here, away from him you just need to trust me. Trust me and tell me what's happened, what do you know?."

He kept going and (Y/N) felt like she would explode. Her brain conflicted from what she knew was true and what she didn't know still was. Her loyalties have changed more times than she can count, she still has her loyalty to the Emperor, but Anakin would always come first. She didn't know what was real the moment the mask was replaced. She felt so overwhelmed, a panic raised in her chest. She knew nothing.

"Stop!" She couldn't listen to it, in her outburst she threw him back. He hit the wall then fell down to his knees.

"I'm just trying to help you, (Y/N)." Anakin looked up at her, pain being produced from his back.

"I know, you're trying. I'm sorry." She shut her eyes in pain, she couldn't look at him as she tried to decipher her mind, "So did he."

Twisted ➠ anakin skywalker x reader {2}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu