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The trail winds its way into the village square. Mother Ewoks gather their babies up and scurry into their huts at the sight of the newcomers. The group stops before the largest hut.

Han, Luke, Chewie, Anakin, and R2 are still bound to their poles. Han is placed above what looks like a barbecue pit and the others are leaned against a tree nearby. 3PO's throne is gently placed near the pit.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." Han looked around, trying not to let panic consume too much of him. Chewie growls his concern.

Suddenly all activity stops as an important Ewok, comes out of the big hut. He examines the captives carefully, goes to join 3PO, whose throne has been placed on an elevated platform. A larger, gray-haired Ewok is examining Luke's and Anakin's lightsaber with great curiosity. The Ewoks begin filling the pit under Han with firewood.

"As I understand it, the forest has been invaded by stormtroopers. The Ewoks presume you to be enemies." 3PO translated for his friends.

"3PO, I think it's time you spoke on our behalf." Anakin suggested.

"Excuse me." He pardoned himself, "Ab toyam nowb. Ab toyam, no. Hud, ha toy. Ee cotra popeeya."

The ewok he spoke to makes a general announcement in Ewokese.

"What did he say?" Han asked, his worries manifesting as anger.

"I'm rather embarrassed, General Solo, but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honor." 3PO said.

The drums start beating, and more logs are piled as Ewoks begin singing in their language. Leia emerges from the large hut, with her hair down and wearing an animal-skin dress. She sees what's happening at the same moment the prisoners see her.

"Leia!" Luke smiled,

"Leia." Han sighed, hope being given. As she moves toward them, the Ewoks block her way with raised spears.

"Your Royal Highness." 3PO waved.

"But these are my friends." Leia said, trying to be clear, "Threepio, tell them they must be set free."

"Roke ta toe-toe. In neen chandu toma tiktik. Ree peetah bah." 3PO translated.

The Ewoks he spoke to listen and shake their heads negatively. Orders instead are barked and several Ewoks jump up and pile more wood on the barbecue with vigor. Leia trades frantic looks with Luke, Anakin, and Han.

"Somehow, I got the feeling that didn't help us very much." Han sneered at Luke. Anakin thought a plan up.

"3PO, tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your magic." Anakin said.

"But Master Skywalker, what magic? I couldn't possibly --" 3PO began objecting, beginning to make an excuse

 "Just tell them." Luke added. 3PO hesitated, then turned back to the group.

 "Horomee ana fu, toron togosh!!" 3PO says, the Ewoks are disturbed, and the drum beat suddenly stops, "Toron togosh! Terro way. Qee t'woos twotoe ai. U wee da dozja...BOOM!"

 The Ewoks are intimidated and begin to look around at each other. Luke closes his eyes and begins to concentrate.

 "Wha-wha-what's happening!" 3PO shutters, the Ewoks begin to fall back in terror, "Oh! Oh, dear! Oh!" 

 "Put me down! He-e-elp! The Maker! Master Luke! Artoo! Somebody, somebody, help!" 3PO continues to panic as his chair is spinning and floating and terrifying the small creatures. "Oh! Ohhh!"

 Chief Chirpa yells orders to the cowering Ewoks. They rush up and release the bound prisoners. Logray orders the little droid cut down. Artoo crashes to the ground. When the Ewoks set him upright, the little droid is fighting mad. Artoo beeps a blue streak of electricity at the nearest Ewok, and begins pursuing him, finally getting close enough to zap him with an electric charge. The Ewok jumps two feet in the air and runs away, screaming.  

 Han is also cut down from the fire, Luke, Chewie and Anakin are also cut down from their stakes. Han then runs to enfold Leia in an embrace. A small group of Ewoks surround the giant Wookiee, scratching their heads and marveling at his height. Luke notices the spinning Threepio, with Artoo beeping up at him, and slowly lowers the golden droid and the throne to the ground. Anakin claps him on the shoulder, seeing the cleverness of his mother in him.

 "Oh, oh, oh, oh! Thank goodness." 3PO calms down.


 In a dusty hut with a high bonfire, which no doubt was a hazard, had dozens of young ewoks climbing over each other to listen to the golden God's story. The ones at the front listened delightfully, amazed at the crazy sound effects and the shadows that created a kaleidoscope of shadows on the walls and on the faces of their friends from the fire.

3PO points several times at the Rebel group and pantomimes a short history of the Galactic Civil War. Han actually had a little ewok friend snuggling up to his leg. Reluctantly he pats the head of the creature that admires him. He looks over at Leia and smiles. Luke uncomfortably shifts in the corner of the opposite doorway, across from his father. 3PO then imitates Majka's raspy electronic breath for the Ewoks. All of them cower in fear.

 Anakin swallows uncomfortably himself. Luke looks over at him, and nods. Anakin who wants nothing more than to leave right now rather than watch as citizens of the Empire be terrified of his wife. He then felt the cold breath down his neck, goosebumps rose on his neck and a shiver down his spine. As he thought about her more he felt her closer. Like he was opening his energy to his location, and she was trying to rip it open. 

 "Are you okay?" Luke asked, seeing the pale face of Anakin.

 "L-later." Anakin nodded. Waiting to not make a scene of it. Although he kept thinking he must be endangering the mission, because he didn't want to close off his energy from her. He wanted her to find him. And only questioned if Luke and Leia experienced similar.

 3PO thanks his audience for listening in a long Ewokese sentence. At the end of it, the Chief, Logray, and the elders confer, then nod in agreement. Drums fill the room and the Ewoks cheer. The Chief stands and makes a pronouncement.

 "What's going on?" Han asks, sitting up straighter.

 "I don't know." Leia mutters, lifting her head up from Han's shoulder.

 "Wonderful! We are now a part of the tribe." 3PO nods, feeling accomplish. Several of the little teddy bears run up and hug the Rebels. Anakin however, does not embrace or celebrate. Instead he felt like he was choking on a black cloud and needed air. Majka was here, she was closer than he felt comfortable and knew what he needed to do. 

 "Just what I always wanted." Han sarcastically but with a smile on his face says to the ewoks who jump on his lap.

 "The Chief has vowed to help us in any way to rid their land of the evil ones." 3PO says.

 "Well, short help is better than no help at all, Chewie." Han said to the grumbling Chewbacca, then switched to the leader. "Thank you. Okay."

 "He says the scouts are going to show us the quickest way to the shield generator." 3PO reccounts. Chewie barks. Luke now notices his father stepping out, and follows. Then is noticed by Leia that her family has left and follows out too.

 "Good. How far is it?" Han asks, 3PO crooks his head,  "Ask him." Han demands, 3PO turns but Han keeps turning him around for each new demand, "We need some fresh supplies, too. And try and get our weapons back. And hurry up, will ya? I haven't got all day."

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