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  Majka needed more help. She walked down her long halls. Two storm troopers followed her, but stopped just down the hall. She was visiting someone in her detention hall, she didn't want him to see anyone else. She found him not even a year prior and had been here ever since.

She opened the door and saw him sitting there quietly meditating with his blast shield over his eyes. He had grown up so much.

"Caleb." She sat down in his cell. He could do her no harm, he had a gel like plasma around his hands.

"It's Kanan." He corrected.

"I'm not the only one who wanted a new identity." She sat down in his cell, "We aren't so different-"

"Never say that to me." Caleb cut her off, "Why don't you just kill me?"

"Because I can't." She told him, "I need you, you can still be my Apprentice.."

"We've been over this! I know what you are, you are not my Master. I see you for who you truly are." Caleb stood, "I left the Order, I left it all behind. My master was killed the day the Empire began. I will never be like you."

"Yet, your fire. It burns the same way mine does."


Anakin watched Luke being taken out of his Bacta tank. Han was kept warm throughout the night as he was prepared with fresh supplies. But Luke had been out there nearly an hour on his own.

The medic brought them back in when Luke had fully woken up.

"Master Luke, sir! It's so good to see you fully functional again." 3PO exclaimed, "R2 expresses his relief also."

"How you feelin' kid? You don't look so bad to me." Han made his grand entrance. Chewie joined him, "In fact you look strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark."

"Thanks to you." Luke smiled in appreciation.

"That's two you own me, junior." Han told him. Then turned away to face Leia and Anakin who just entered the room slower.

"Well, your worship," Han looked at Leia, "looks like you managed to keep me around a little while longer."

"I had nothing to do with it." Leia rolled her eyes.

"General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy field." Anakin stepped in.

"That's a good story." Han shrugs, "I just think miss Princess here, doesn't want to let a gorgeous guy like me out of her sight."

Anakin wanted to throw up.

"I don't know where you get your delusions from, laser brain." Leia crossed her arms. Anakin smiled, his daughter could handle herself. Chewie also began to laugh.

"Laugh it up, fuzzball!" Han hit his friend, "You didn't see us alone in the south passage."

There's the throw up again.

"She expressed her true feelings for me." Han walked up to her with a devilish grin, and put his arm around her.

"My-? Why, you stuck up,... half-witted... scruffy-looking... nerf-herder!" Leia stammered, her embarrassment wanted to rip him to shreds.

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