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"Tell me what?" Luke urged the answer out of his father, Anakin hesitated, "I thought I told you. What's the point of having a family if all they do is lie to me?"

"I'm not-I won't- I'm sorry. Sit down, please." Anakin tried urging his son to relax.

"I'll sit when I need to, thank you." Luke crossed his arms.

Anakin went on to explain the story again. All the way from the beginning to present. Luke soaked all of it in the same way Leia had before him.

"I wanted to tell you. I just couldn't find the right way to explain it." Anakin said over the silence when he ended.

"What am I supposed to do now? I can't kill my mother." Luke put his head in his hands. He couldn't understand what was expected of him.

"I would never want that. I'll be by your side the entire time we're fighting the Empire. You're fighting the Empire, not your mother." Anakin advised, placing a hand on Luke's shoulder, "Me, you, and your sister, we will figure out a way that's best for everyone. Not just our family but the galaxy and forever. I promise."

"Don't make promises to me." Luke shook his head, disappointed in his fathers integrity. Anakin didn't respond.

"Looks like Leia got your genes then, considering she never thought this would be a good thing to tell me." Luke snarked. He was embarrassed, he had harbored feelings for his sister. That was disgusting and he could almost throw up at the thought.

"Actually that was more of your mother's thing." Anakin scratched behind his ear, "She just kind of, uh, rubbed off on me."

"I have to go." Luke shook it off, needing air.

"Go?" Anakin questioned, following Luke as he walked out the door, "Wait, do you have any questions for or anything? Are you okay?"

"Leia left to go find Han without me while I was building my lightsaber-" Luke began.

"You built your own lightsaber?" Anakin's eyes widened, "That's fantastic! Let me see it, Luke I'm so proud of you."

Luke stopped. He kept his back turned but reveled in the sound of hearing his father was proud of him. As much as maybe he didn't trust his father with his deepest secrets, he still felt the need to please him. That Anakin was the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, his praise was nothing to be looked over.

Luke pulled out his saber. And turned around.

"What color is it?" Anakin asked.

"Green." Luke ignited his saber, the green light bouncing off his eyes.

"That's fantastic, son." Anakin was close to tears as he watched his son swing his lightsaber gracefully. He imagined what would be the reaction if him and (Y/N) were leaning on the edge of a doorframe, watching their son and daughter practice with their sabers.

"The colors of a lightsaber, as I was taught, shows the classification of your fighting styles. My own saber, Blue, displayed that I was a Jedi Guardian, and used the force more physically." Anakin explained to him.

"What does green mean?" Luke asked.

"Where as for instance you have Green. Green indicated a Jedi Consular, a Jedi who preferred to reflect on the mysteries of the Force. Defeating an enemy through thinking." Anakin said, "In other words, you're much smarter than I was."

"Was?" Luke teased, clipping his saber back to his belt.

"Alright, well." Anakin rolled himself off the door frame, "It sounds like we should go help your sister."

"She probably won't even need it." Luke started up the speeder.

"Of course she won't." Anakin sighed, "She's a Skywalker."


"Listen, I know Jabba." Anakin said, "They aren't going to let us walk right past-"

"Already took care of it. I sent R2 and 3PO with a message about our arrival."

"You what?" Anakin almost stopped the speeder.

"I figured Jabba should know about our arrival." Luke said.

"No, he shouldn't! Luke, Tatooine is not the Rebellion. Jabba has a contract to the Empire, which means they want to turn in any Jedi's or kill them," Anakin complains, "What was your plan? Go in there saber blazing?"

"Well, yes." Luke shrugged, "I wanted to try talking to him first."

"Talk? To Jabba? You'll be dead in a second if you even see him." Anakin explained, "Best case scenario: he'd offer you an assassin job, and when you say no he'll have you shot."

"Would you trust me? I know what I'm doing. I'm better than you think. I faced Majka and walked away from it-" Luke covered his eyes from the sand.

"Without a hand." Anakin corrected, "Trust me, Luke. Getting cocky is the worst thing you could ever do as a Jedi. I do trust you. We'll try it your way. But I will step in if I need to."

"Deal. But you won't need to." Luke said, pouting.

"I hope not."


Majka walked around her quarters. Her mind was altered. She could feel she had a past, a name. It was like there was a wall put in her head and if she could scratch at it she would be able to see who she was.

She sat down, feeling the weight in her head strained. She knew her job was to find Luke and Anakin Skywalker. Majka didn't know why, but the names seemed so familiar. When she closed her eyes she saw their faces, or at least she thought she did.

Despite the fact her body seemed to show she was more droid than man, she couldn't help but feel the opposite. There was more to her. She stared at herself. The scar on her jaw proving a significance. She felt it with her flesh hand. She called it upon herself, she demanded, an answer. Where did this come from?

You know it.

She whispered to herself. Trying to let a crack out of that wall.

She knew it was foolish that she had much larger worries like organizing the Death Star to be set for the Emperor. But it mattered to her now. It was all like an itch she couldn't reach. Like there was a responsibility greater to herself she needed to uphold. She found her many scars, the Force showed her the feelings she felt when she had them.

The one that puzzled her most was her left arm and leg. Her feelings of burning pain and passion and love flooded her. The most mixed emotions she could barely separate the solution. She loved the person who did this. She hated it.

Who had done this?

Majka looked down at her mask, confused. The mask represented so much more to her now. The mask was the mussle. It was the thing that confined her, that held back her thoughts. It was the thing that filtered her words into the Emperors. It was what covered her tortured look, and built her into the intimidation tool she now was. She knew what her intimidating persona was, but not why she had become one. Was she human at all? Looking into her mirror she placed the mask in front of her mouth, and then put it down. Her eyes staring back at her, jaw twitching and trying to search for the answers on the uncovered skin.

Who are you, really, under that mask?

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