Chapter 7 - Change of Plans

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I'm so comfortable I feel like I'm sleeping on a cloud. I don't ever remember my pillow feeling this good. I move and the sheets feel so soft and smooth against my skin. Like the sheets from a fancy hotel.

I open my eyes and immediately recognize Nico's room. I quickly realize I'm alone in the bed and sigh in relief when I see that I'm fully clothed. Not that I would ever think Nico to take advantage of me, but I hardly remember falling asleep last night. I must have been more tired than I thought.

I remember watching the movie with Nico and how we were practically snuggling underneath the blanket. He felt so warm and cozy. It must have been after that. I grin and sneak under the covers like a little girl.

I think about the entire night and it feels surreal. Our conversation in the kitchen, somehow ending up in his room, his phone call with Adrian. Nico has to be one of the nicest guys I have ever met. He's really sweet, but he also has an edge to him. He's a big flirt, but also keeps it respectful. I keep wondering what the catch is. There has to be something wrong with him. They just don't make them like that anymore.

I'm really surprised he doesn't have a girlfriend, that he hasn't been snatched up yet. I pause, thinking that I never asked him if he did. He asked me, but I never asked him. Oh god, he has a girlfriend. I'm such an idiot.

I belatedly realize I shouldn't care. It's not like we did anything last night. When I stupidly suggested I wasn't looking to hook up with him, he didn't seem to mind at all. Ugh, I'm probably overthinking this and jumping to conclusions. If he had a girlfriend, he wouldn't have spent the night with me.

I check my phone and see that it's still pretty early. I wonder where Nico is.

I get out of bed and make it up properly. I head outside the room once I'm satisfied with how it looks and peer down the long hallway. I think it's going to take me a long time to find him in this massive house.

Hoping I'm not snooping around too much, I peer inside a few doors as I pass them by. Fortunately, I find Nico in the fourth one. It seems like a guest room. He's still sleeping, splayed across the bed on his stomach and hugging a pillow. He's shirtless and I immediately notice his muscles and lean lower back. He really is very attractive. There's no denying it.

I debate whether I should wake him up, but I should probably be getting home soon. Nico did promise he would take me home. Although, I think I'm out of the woods since my brother hasn't released a search party on me yet, which can only mean he didn't make it home last night either. God, what am I doing? My brother would kill me if he found out I spent the night here. I should just take a taxi home instead.

Nico turns over at that moment to switch positions, but lays his head back on the pillow without opening his eyes. Assuming he's close to waking up, I decide to go for it. At least I should thank him for letting me stay over last night and say goodbye.

"Nico?" I say softly, tugging gently on his arm.

"Go away," he responds groggily, swatting my hand away.

Great. I knew I shouldn't have woken him. I start to move away in embarrassment. "Sorry Nico, I didn't mean to –"

His eyes flash open and I stop speaking when his hand shoots out and grabs my wrist.

"Olivia," he murmurs apologetically. "I didn't mean to do that. I thought you were Carmen."

"Carmen?" I ask. Is he used to different girls staying over? Or maybe he does have a girlfriend after all. Dammit.

"My housekeeper. She has a habit of waking me up all the time," he frowns. He rubs his eyes and looks at me sleepily. My stomach involuntarily contracts at the sight. "What time is it, anyway?"

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