Chapter 16 - Nico Beach

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Friday has officially become my new favorite day. I know most people love Fridays, but I used to hate them. I suppose to most people Friday signifies the end of a workweek and with it comes a temporary freedom where you can unwind for a few days before starting up the daily grind again on Monday. It's the anticipation of the weekend that lies ahead.

I used to hate it for this same exact reason. I never had anything to look forward to. I would babysit and go home on Fridays. My weekends consisted of homework and praying my dad would have a good day so that I could talk to him again. I was never able to relax or feel that temporary freedom. To me it all felt like a monotonous routine, and my days never seemed to amount to anything.

But now all that has changed. Now I can't wait for Fridays. More specifically, I can't wait for Friday nights. The moment I get home from babysitting, waiting for Nico to arrive. I don't know when it started happening, but now all I do is look forward to him walking through my door with what appears to be a permanent grin on his face.

The doorbell rings and it catches me off guard. I check my phone for the time. He's usually not this early.

I rush to the front door anyway, a smile already forming as I look through the peephole. I open the door and I'm greeted with that same grin I've come to love. He picks me up as he usually does and carries me to my bedroom, kicking the door behind him.

He puts me on my feet and leans down to kiss me. I love how he does it, gripping my face firmly with both of his hands. This is it. This is the precise moment I look forward to all week.

"You're early," I say once I've caught my breath.

"I couldn't wait any longer," he responds. He smiles, his green eyes looking more excited than usual.

"How was the game?" I ask, not liking that I missed it again.

"We lost," he says, still smiling.

"Then why are you happy?"

"Because I'm here now. I've been waiting all day for this," he says, brushing my cheek.

God, he makes my heart melt all the time now. I reach up to kiss him again. "Let me pack a bag, and we'll go?"

He nods and I let go of him to grab a change of clothes from my closet. I would have already packed something, but I hadn't gotten to it yet since he's early.

I'm picking out some leggings when Nico comes up behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck, just below my ear.

It's the spot that always makes me squirm. I twist around, and his mouth is suddenly on mine again. I can't resist and kiss him back.

"I like this," he says, his fingers toying with the shorts of my pajamas.

Oh god, I had completely forgotten I was still wearing them when I answered the door. They're the short-short kind not really meant to be worn outside of bed. "Make sure to pack these too," he whispers, his breath hot on my neck. "And hurry up," he says, with a playful look on his face.

Jesus, I suddenly feel like it's a thousand degrees in my room. "Then don't distract me. Go sit down. I'll just be a minute."

"Yes, ma'am," he smiles and plops down on my bed.

I quickly grab a shirt and stuff it in a bag. I can feel Nico watching me and it's still very distracting. It causes me to blush when I rummage through my underwear drawer trying to find a decent pair of panties. I never used to pay mind to it, but lately it's become increasingly important. The reason is currently sitting on my bed.

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