Chapter 26 - It Gets Better

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We're back in the room changing into our clothes for the day, and I can't stop looking at her. Especially because I'm done already, but she's still in her towel deciding what to wear as she looks through her suitcase. She glances back at me and catches me staring at her from the bed. But instead of getting mad or offended, I see her smiling as she picks out an outfit. I feel like a kid in a middle school dance who's finally had the courage to ask out the girl he's always liked and she says yes.

I decide to make the bed to give her some privacy, but as I said, I can't stop looking at her. She's in her panties now and is trying to hook her bra in the back.

I drop what I'm doing and approach her to help her clasp it. I never understood why they don't make these things easier to undo, but never realized it's equally as much of a pain for women to put on.

I kiss her shoulder when I'm done, but my vision soon drops to her bottom and how enticing she looks in her thong. I can't help but run my fingers through the strips of lace and her smooth skin. It's then that I notice the scar she told me about. You can tell she's had it for a long time because it's faint. It's about the size of a quarter, and it only stands out because it's lighter than the rest of her skin.

I run my thumb gently over it, but I can barely feel the difference between the scar and her butt. All of it feels incredibly smooth and soft to me.

"This is it, baby?" I ask her softly.

"Yes," she answers hesitantly.

She gasps when I drop to my knees and tries to move away from me, but it only makes me more determined. Besides it's an incredible view and I can't help myself. I hold on to her hips, steadying her in place, and kiss her scar.

She sucks in a sharp breath, and I kiss it one more time before standing up again and turning her against me. She looks completely shocked as I lean in to kiss her lips. "I knew it would be sexy."

"I guess it's my turn, huh?" I say when she doesn't respond. I settle her next to me on the bed, hoping she doesn't freak out like Sofia and run away when I show her my lazy eye. But she looks extremely curious and a promise is a promise.

"Ready?" I ask.

She nods and looks closely at my eyes. I focus on her nose until I'm able to bend the image with my eyes until I'm seeing double, and then bring it back again.

"Whoa," she says, looking at me in awe. "Only your left eye moved and the other stayed in place."

"Yeah, it's weird."

"Can you do it again?" she asks, and I laugh that she's so interested. I shake my head. "I could, but I don't want to mess up my eyes."

She pouts her lips, but before I can say anything she scoots onto my lap and kisses me. If she's not careful, I'm going to be forced to drag her into the shower again. "Finish getting dressed, beautiful. There's still some places I want to take you, and that's not gonna happen if you don't put some clothes on soon."

It's well past noon when we finally manage to leave the apartment. We meet up with Sofia and Adrian who were waiting for us at a diner nearby. Apparently we took too long and they had gone out to run some errands. Either that or they knew what we were up to and decided to give us some space. I can't even bring myself to feel bad about it though, and the minute I see Adrian's smirk on his face when we arrive, I know there's no hard feelings between us.

Olivia, on the other hand, looks a bit embarrassed. It's not like I had planned for this. If someone had told me a few days ago that Olivia and I would be acting like a couple of horn dogs during this trip, I never would have believed them. But it's just the way it's happened.

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