You and Me

26 3 2

For Arats Contest 3... Fallingstars99 and resplend


" 'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you

The beautiful lyrics that blended perfectly with the melodious voice of the singer, echoed throughout the well furnished hall, sending us back to that lovely night. A long drive on a chilly night had always been my dream, that had come true 2 years back.


One fine weekend, he asked me to pack my bags for a two day trip. Jumping in excitement, I ran to pack grinning wide. He went out and returned after few hours and by that time I was ready with my bags. He smiled at me and gestured me to step out. There I saw his black beauty parked elegantly in front of my house, awaiting for our ride. He got on his bike and started it, after I hopped on the back.

Our ride soon began and we were swiftly moving away from the busy city streets. As the roads narrowed, the mighty mountains covered with the beautiful trees came into view. The darkened night with the glowing stars, gave a romantic touch to the atmosphere. I squealed in joy and hugged him tight, when the breeze turned cold. Satisfied by the warmth radiating from him, I buried my face on the crook of his neck. A small chuckle escaped his soft lips and he caressed my cheeks with the back of his palm.

Driving past the exquisite flora, rocky planes and numerous tricky and dangerous hairpin bends, we reached our destination. The secluded cottage on the top of the hill, adorned with ornamental plants was a feast to my eyes. A narrow pathway parted the thick short, neatly trimmed grasses, leading the way to the door. Walking down the lane, hand in hand, we stood in~front of the wooden door, knocking.

An old man emerged out and wished us to have a wonderful night, handing over the key to us. Robin led me in and locked the door. I stood in the center observing the breathtaking interiors of the small yet cozy cottage. French windows were hid behind the classy curtains, a fluffy couch was placed in front of the fireplace on the carpeted floor. The lights were dimly lit and the walls had intricate carved patterns.

The fireplace wasn't lighted and I stood there running my hands up and down my arms, to lessen the rising chill. A sudden warmth engulfed me as a pair of strong arms encircled my waist. A few minutes later, he moved away passing on his jacket and a woolen cap. We both put on our woolen sweaters and hats to keep us warm.

He took hold of my hand and led me to the backyard. The cool breeze blew a few strand of his silky black hair and it fell across his forehead while I found it hard to resist the urge to run my fingers over his soft cheeks and his subtle beard. His captivating brownish black orbs met mine and I flashed a shy smile, tucking my curly hair behind my ears.

He held my chin and averted my gaze to the ferocious flames that blazed in the center of the plush green field. The bright moon and the shimmering stars conferred its blessings upon us, as the haze spread around, blinding the enchanting view of the hills and the artificially yet artistically brightened cities below.

We sat on the logs, that were scattered around the bonfire, talking and laughing on random stuff. After a while, he played slow romantic music and held out his hand for a dance. I took his hands and placed my other free hand on his shoulder, while his' was on my waist. He held me close and we swayed graciously to the music. Sweet temptations erupted and I felt new sparks within me. When the song 'You and Me' by Lifehouse played, our eyes locked and my heart melted under his gaze and touch.

Deciding to make use of the moment, I took out the platinum love ring from my pocket and went on my knees, uttering the long locked words, "The moment my eyes met yours, I felt a strange pull towards you. My heart felt complete and my life took a new turn. I have nothing to lose, with you by my side. Of all the people, it was only you who I never want to lose. And I don't know why I can't take my eyes off you. I love with all my heart. Will you be my life?"

He stood still with a blank expression, vocalizing no words. The fear of losing him weighed upon me and tears brimmed my eyes. I was about to run away from the spot, but the next thing that happened made me dumbfounded.

A slow smile formed on his plump lips and his eyes sparkled with glee. He took out a ring from his pocket and knelt down to my level. He chuckled and said, "My dear sweetheart, you've stolen my words. I love you, too. You are my life and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe."

Tears of happiness flowed and we laughed merrily, feeling complete in each other's arms. He picked me up and twirled me. We shared our first kiss and lost track of time in our hugs. Till the sun crept up, we sat cuddling in front of the warm fire, covering a blanket over our legs, occasionally, kindling the fire.


Our little reverie was broken by the wailing cute bundle of joy. He cradled him in his arms, hugging me. And my dream of happily ever after came true.


Word Count - 968 words

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