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Entry for One Shot Contest by chasing_uncertainty

Dear Tina,

There was this girl I met today and the way she behaved totally reminded me of you. I was having a really bad day and I wanted to clear my mind. So, I went to the park near my apartment and there I saw a gang of kids playing. After a talking a stroll around the park, I rested on the bench and watched the kids play. Two girls caught my attention and I was observing their every move.

They were playing with few brick blocks constructing tiny models. The cute brown haired girl, didn't exactly know how to connect them while the other blonde girl was easily mking her moves. Suddenly she started screaming and throwing all the blocks. When the blonde asked her what the matter was, she told that she didnt like the game as she didn't know how to play.

The blonde girl just smiled and took hold of the other girl's hand. She gently said, "It's okay. Let's play something which you like." And then they both started running around trying to catch each other. Their laughs were the only thing the echoed in my mind. And most importantly, she reminded me of you Tee.

I'm missing you so badly Tee. Do you remember the days, when we went to the beach and I always used to destroy the sand castles you build, just because I couldn't make a proper one. And later we would be chasing around throwing sand on each other. Getting tired, we would lay on the shores laughing like maniacs.

Do you also remember the ice cream incident? That evening when we both went to buy ice creams and ended up having an ice cream fight, wetting our shirts with the ice creams. Those were the days when we were so carefree and silly. I wish I get back those days Tee.

I've heard drinking is injurious and I never even imagined this would get so far. I wish I wasn't drunk that night. I really regret that day and I'm really so sorry Tee.. I so badly wish to be with you again like those good old days. Hope that day comes soon and when it comes I wish I'd have the courage to talk to you without the guilt killing me inside.

See you soon Tee.

Your's Blues.  


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