Chapter 2

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"Where were you after third period? You said you were going to meet me at our lockers but you never did. Hello? Earth to Millie!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Tay." I snapped back into reality. "I just had to talk to...someone after class." I replied back. She gave me a look like I wasn't being completely honest but she shrugged it off. I turned my head, staring through the window of our school cafeteria. Taylor started talking to our other friends, Claire and Emily.

I spotted a nice little garden with a bench in it where people could sit and eat lunch, or do homework. I don't know why I never noticed it before. It looked peaceful.

"Hey babe," Drew said coming up from behind me, kissing me on the cheek. I gave him a smile then turned my attention back to the window. I saw Harry taking a seat on the bench in the garden. He pulled out what seemed to be a journal and started scribbling stuff down.

"So what was all that about after third?" Drew asked me, pulling my attention away from Harry.

"Oh, it was nothing," I said trying to brush it off.

"It definitely looked like something Millie. What's going on?" He gave me a concerned look.

"He just said some smart ass remark in class. It just pissed me off."

"Well like what?" Drew shifted in his seat.

"He called me and Taylor spoiled mall rats." I said in a low voice. Drew let out a little chuckle.

"What? Why are you laughing?" I snapped at him.

"Nothing. It's just, you are a mall rat Mills." Drew said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and started looking out the window again. Harry was gone.

I felt Drew's arm go around my waist and pull me closer to him. "I'm joking babe. You're not a mall rat," His voice sounded sincere. I didn't respond back. "Geez Harry was right. You need to learn how to take a joke."

I turned looking him in the eyes. "Please do not side with him Drew." My voice sounded weak.

"Why are you so worked up over him Millie? I don't understand you. One loser kid says a comment about you and you get all worked up. If I didn't know I'd think you had something for that Harry Styles guy." Drew said to me. I could hear the jealousy in his tone.

"That's not it Drew! I don't have anything for Harry. I hardly know him. It just makes me mad that someone who doesn't even know me insults me!" I was raising my voice and I could notice people staring.

"I'm sorry Drew. I didn't mean to get loud. I'm not mad at you, I promise." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The bell rings. "Want me to walk you to math class? I'll even carry your books." Drew says to me, winking.

"Oh my, that would be lovely. How kind of you sir." I joke back

Drew grabs my books and I get up and put my satchel on. He pulls me into him and kisses me. I pull back and smile at him then he kisses me on the nose. "You're cute as can be you know that Millie Marsh?"

"Yeah, I know Drew Bourne." I give him a wink.

I grab his hand and we head out the cafeteria door to my math class.

Sometimes I like the attention I get when I'm seen with Drew. It doesn't seem to bother me when other girls look at me with jealous looks. I mean who wouldn't be jealous of me right now? Drew Bourne is my boyfriend! Pitcher of the baseball team, straight A student; he's perfect. I look up at him while we're walking. He has such a defined jaw line. With full lips, hazel green eyes, and luscious blonde hair. He has the total "surfer-beach boy" look down. I look straight ahead in the school hallway and notice Danielle Rine staring at Drew. Now that gets to me. Drew and I reach my classroom and he leans up against the wall. He leans in to give me a kiss and I kiss him back, but I give him a real kiss, not some little peck. When I pull back I look over at Danielle, still staring at Drew and Me. That should piss her off.

"Well that was a pleasant goodbye kiss," Drew says looking down at me.

"You're welcome hot stuff," I flirt back. Drew walks into my classroom and sets my stuff on my desk.

"Here you are Miss Marsh." Drew says to me sounding like a business man.
I smile at him then walk over and give him a hug. Just as I pull back I see Drew's attention focus on something. I turn around to see him staring at Harry, whose walking into my class.

"I didn't know Harry Styles was in the same math as you," Drew says sounding a bit frustrated.

"Yeah, he is," I say. "I always forget. He just stays in the back and doesn't say anything. It's kinda weird I've never seen him actually socialize with people."

"So you pay attention to him?" Drew snaps at me.

"What? No. I was just saying..." My voice trails off.

"Hmm, okay Millie. I'll see you after class okay?" They way Drew said it sounds more like an order than a suggestion. I nod then give him a quick kiss. As Drew leaves the room I see no other than Danielle walk into the class. She marches to the very back and takes a seat right in front of Harry.

I hear her say to him, "Sorry if this seat was taken. You looked all lonely back here so I thought I'd keep you company." Her voice is extremely flirty.

"I don't mind. But I'm not lonely and I don't need your company." Harry's voice was harsh. I smiled to myself. Danielle gave him a confused look then slowly turned around in her seat. I sit down in my own seat and look back discreetly at Harry, whose looking at me. I snap forward quick. That was a little weird.

~I know this seems like it's going no where but keep in mind this is only the second chapter and i PROMISE it's going somewhere! it's just getting started. but thank you so much for the reads xx~

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