Chapter 24

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I feel like a whole new part of my life has been brought up since Harry and I have been back together. The relationship feels different, but a good different; almost like what happened with Lily needed to happen in order for us to move on with our relationship.

The night of his birthday actually brought us closer, surprisingly. I was afraid that having sex with him would possibly ruin things for us, but once he told me he loved me, I knew it was more than sex.

I didn't even hesitate to say I love you back to him. Once those words fell out of his mouth it was almost like the missing piece to the puzzle. That whole moment felt right, it felt so perfect. And I trusted him.

It's an amazing feeling to be loved by the person you crave it the most from. You feel so powerful, like nothing could knock you down off your high.

Before you go thinking sex was the only thing I gave Harry on his birthday, it wasn't. I got him a new flannel, that he desperately needed. Since he's been ripping his hold ones up and using them as bandanas or headscarves or whatever he does with them. Soon enough, Harry and I will be wearing the same hair accessories.

"So I got something important to tell you," Niall spoke up.

I met my eyes to his, "Alright. Tell me."

I was thinking it was some type of joke. Niall always tries to be serious, but normally he's messing with me. I can't even remember the last time Niall tried to have a serious moment with me unless Harry was brought up.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Niall, what's wrong," I grabbed his hand in mine.

"I uh...well my..."


"Shit. This is much harder than I thought."

"What's going on?" I was starting to worry at this point. His face held a hurt expression, like he was truly having trouble on saying what he wanted to.

I inhaled, then exhaled, puffing his cheeks out. "My parents are sending me back to boarding school."

The room was quiet. All I could hear was a ringing in my ears. A lump formed in my throat and it felt like my heart sunk into my stomach.

There's no way he's being serious. He just got back a few months ago he can't be leaving. He hasn't even done anything for his parents to send him back. Niall's clearly joking with me.

I smiled weakly. "Niall, that's not funny."

He didn't crack a smile or laugh. He hung his head down. "I wish I was joking Mills, but I'm not."

My eyes started to tear up. "But you haven't done anything wrong!"

"I'm failing math. My parents told me in order for me to come back I had to be passing my classes with at least C's. I have an F."

"I told you I would help you! Just tell them you'll switch into a lower math class and you'll pass that one."

He shook his head. "It's too late Mills."

A tear rolled down my cheek. "No, Niall please. You can't leave me..I just got you back."

He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his broad shoulders. "I'm sorry love. I wish I could stay but it's not my choice. At least this time I'm allowed to have my phone so we can call and Face Time and stuff. It won't be as bad as last year."

"When do you leave?" I asked while wiping away a tear.

He swallowed. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!?" I repeated and pulled back from him. "You can't leave tomorrow!"

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