Chapter 17

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"Harry!" I screamed. No answer. A crack of lightening flashed through the windows, causing me to scream.

I heard some banging noises down stairs, and me being too scared, didn't go down to find out what was going on.

"Harry! Where are you?" I yelled. Still no response. All I could hear was the thudding sound of rain pouring on the roof, and the rumbling of thunder. Suddenly, I heard loud footsteps. I stayed still, and listened closely, trying to figure out which direction they were coming from. The foot steps grew louder, and closer. They were coming up the stairs.

"Harry...." I said softly. The foot steps were at the top of the stairs. Now in the hallway.

"Harry!" I screamed one last time. I heard the pace of the footsteps quicken down the hallway towards Harry's room.

His bedroom door swung open and I screamed. Someone is in this house right now and I'm about to be kidnapped. Or killed!

"Millie!" Harry's voice appeared. I saw a silhouette of a tall figure coming towards me. "Millie where are you?" His voice asked. And a body coming closer to me.

I was backed up against the windowsill, and the moon light shone through the window, shining the tiniest bit of light onto Harry's face, who was rushing over to me.

"What happened!?" I asked.

"The power went out from the storm," Harry responded sounding confused.

"No," I shook my head. "Downstairs, what happened downstairs. I heard like glass breaking and some banging noises."

Harry laughed. "I accidentally dropped a cup and then I had to clean it up in the dark and it was hard to see so I was running into things. Why were you screaming my name?"

"I thought someone broke in the house!" I threw my hands up in the air. "And I thought they like killed you and we're coming up stairs to attack me..." my voice starting to become quiet

Harry grabbed me by my shoulders and gave me a hug. "Okay, no more scary movies for you."

"I told you I get paranoid."

He chuckled, "Damn straight!"

We stood there in silence for a little bit, while I enjoyed the comfort of his embrace. It's crazy how just one person could make you feel so safe. Just being in his arms made me feel protected. I pulled back, and took a seat on the windowsill seating.

"It sure is storming hard," I looked out the window at the trees blowing in the wind. Trash cans were knocked over, some front yards were flooded, even a few fences were blown over.

"Yeah, I hope my mom stayed at the store. I don't want her driving in this type of weather," Harry took the seat across from me.

I stared at him, as he stared out the window. His features were hard, as if he were thinking about something that pained him.

"What are you thinking about?" I pondered.

He looked at me, his emerald eyes shining. He straightened his lips into a thin line. "Let's get to know each other," He blurted.

"What?" I laughed.

His face lightened up. "Yeah...yeah. Tell me things about you. Tell me your favorite song, or color. Your middle name. Your favorite animal. I wanna know stuff about you, something people don't know."

"So like 20 questions in a way?" I suggested.

"Yeah, you share something I share something."

"Okay deal," I smiled. "But can you do me a favor?"

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