Chapter 18

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"What are you smiling at?"

"Huh?" I was pulled out of my fantasy world, and back into reality.

Ever since last week at Harry's house we've been texting constantly. In the morning, in the afternoon, at night, during school, after school, even when we're both out at separate parties. Or when he's at Lily's and I'm at Niall's.

And I don't even get sick of it. Normally, I don't like texting, I'd rather meet them in person and talk or make short phone calls, texting is tedious to me. But with Harry I didn't mind.

"Why are you smiling at your phone, you doofus?" Niall laughed.

"Oh, ummm, I just saw a funny post on tumblr," I lied

It's not that I was going to keep Harry and I a secret from Niall, I was just waiting for the right moment to tell him. He'd get all best-friend like on Harry and try to give him some big talk. Then Niall would tell Max, who would have the "I'll-pound-your-face-in-if-you-hurt-my-little-sister" talk with Harry. My dad on the other, would only say "Congradulations, welcome to the family!" I've always liked the fact that my dad was never intimidating to the guys I brought home, which has only been three; Niall, Drew, and Harry. Even though I wish he would have been a little tough on Drew.

And I'm also not telling Niall because it's not like Harry and I are together. We kissed once and confessed feelings, but that was it. We're pretty much just taking it slow before we jump into anything, so why do I tell Niall and get him all worried if it's nothing right now. And I'm pretty positive Harry hasn't told Lily yet, so it's really no big deal.

"Oh, all that girly shit? I'm not intrested," Niall huffed.

Niall and I were at my house, as usual, in the game room. Niall was sitting on the floor playing the guitar, and I was lounging on the couch texting Harry.

"I've been putting together a song, do you wanna hear it?" His face was lit up like a Christmas tree.

I locked my phone, leaving my dream world with Harry aside for a moment, and sat up, "Of course."

Niall smiled, then looked down at his fingers placed over the strings and started strumming. I loved when Niall played the guitar, he was really good at it. And the chords he put together always sounded so beautiful. We were about a minute into the song when I interrupted him.

"Wait, are there no words?"

Niall looked up, "No..."

"Niall!" I laughed, "how are you going to play a song with no words!?"

"I don't know!" He shrugged. "I can't even sing and I-"

"You can sing," I protested. "I've heard you when you take showers, so you're not fooling me."

"Okay yeah....but I can't write songs. My brain gets all clogged up and stuff and I can never think."

"Well, Harry writes poems and songs. Maybe he can help you!" I suggested.

Niall straightened his lips into a thin line, "Yeah no. I think I'll pass on that one."

"What? Why? You don't like Harry?"

"It's not that I don't like him," Niall ran his fingers through his blonde hair, "I just feel like he tries too hard to be like, mysterious."

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean he tries to be mysterious?"

"I don't know Millie. Like, he just sits out in that garden at school by himself with that journal. He sits in the back of the room durring math. He's always walking alone in the hallways or with Lily. Like he has two friends and I never see them talk to each other. And he always popping up at random times. And that face he makes-"

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