Chapter 12

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"Tell me a secret," Harry urged me.

We were walking outside the apartment complex buildings. He gave me his red and black flannel to wear around my shoulders because it was pretty chilly and all I had on was a crop top.

"That's a little personal don't you think?" I said sarcastically.

"That's the point. You're my tutor but I feel like I hardly know you." Harry laughed

"Okay, real name is Camilla." I said blankly. Although that's a boring secret, I felt like not that many people knew that.

"Camilla," Harry repeated. I absolutely hate when people say Camilla, but for some crazy reason I loved hearing Harry's soothing voice say it.

I smiled and looked at the ground, "Camilla," I said again.

"Okay, now tell me any interesting secret," Harry chuckled while nudging me with his elbow.

" what?" I ask trying to think.

"I don't know. Anything!" He said excitedly. He sat down on a bench by the apartment buildings pool and cleared space for me to sit next to him.

"I don't really have any secrets. I'm an open book," I said throwing my hands up in surrender and taking the seat next to him.

"Oh come on Millie," Harry rolled his eyes in disbelief. "There's gotta be one thing..."

I shake my head. "Nope." I made a popping sound when I hit the "p" part. "How about you tell me a secret? And maybe it will help me think of one," I suggested.

Harry looked up at the sky, and so did I. It was navy blue and lit up from the moon and all the twinkling stars.

"Okay I got one." He said sounding eager. I looked into his gorgeous eyes and nodded, telling him to continue.

"So I have, well journal," he started in a low tone, as if he wanted no one to hear. He leaned down and I did too, coming closer into to him so I could hear him better. "And in my journal, I draw little sketches and write things."

"Like what?" I questioned curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what do you write?" I said in almost a whisper.

"" Harry wiggled in his seat, "like poems, and songs..." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Awh," a smile appeared on my face.

"What?" He smiled back.

"Well that's like...kinda almost really attractive," I let out a nervous laugh and put my head down so he wouldn't see me blush.

"Okay now tell me yours," he pressed, changing the subject.

I thought for a couple seconds. "Okay, you can't judge me alright?" He nodded with a smile. "I-I sleep naked sometimes...." I shut my eyes tight, too embarrassed to see his reaction..

Harry let out a huge laugh. I've never heard his laugh before, but damn did it warm up my heart. It was so real, so genuine.

"What!?" I said, being embarrassed.

"Well that's kinda..." he paused, licking his soft pink lips, "almost really attractive," he whispered in my ear, obviously teasing me.

"Oh stop!" I said lightly punching him. He grabbed my hand before I could actually contact my fist to his arm, and pulled me closer to him. I had my hand on his chest, while his hand was wrapped around my other one. I looked up at him, and he looked down on me. His transparent green eyes looking deeply into mine. He smiled a light smile.

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