Chapter 26

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Throwing up is not how I planned on being woken up in the morning. Harry just got his arm cast off and we went to celebrate. We had dinner and then went out. Now I know Mexican food and alcohol do not make a good mix.

Niall said he's doing really well at school, and if he keeps up his good work he gets to come home early! Which is so exciting, and so good for me to hear.

With everything that's happened lately I feel like any news is good news, and I especially need to hear some good news.

On the more of good news, Lily and Harry still aren't friends, and Harry said he doesn't plan on working on their friendship again. I know it's selfish of me to be happy about that, but I feel like Lily was a drag on Harry. He needs people to surround him with happiness and love; not to remind him constantly to be miserable about Kayla.

Since his accident, Harry has been forgetting things or finding it hard to remember past events that have happened.

One day he was in bed and I was picking up around his room. He asked me to get him a glass of water so I went downstairs and did as he asked. But when I came back up, I brought him the water and continued on picking up his room. But I stopped when he said, "Thank, you Kayla."

I didn't know what to or what to say. I froze in my spot and just stared at him, hoping it would come to him. He looked back at me with a confused expression. "What?" He said.

"Harry, I'm not Kayla. I'm-"

"Millie, you're Millie." He reminded himself. "I'm sorry." And he put his head down.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay babe. I know it's hard to remember certain things but this will go away soon."

Ever since then he hasn't made that mistake. But when he does, sometimes it will take him longer than usual for it to come to him. I try to be patient, but it breaks my heart knowing I have to break the news to him.

Today, Harry and I we're suppose to go shopping for him. Supposedly he needed to go to the car shop and get some new parts on the car him and Zayn have been working on.

I don't think I'll be able to go shopping today. I'm not feeling well. I'm sorry :(

I text him.

He responds back immediately: Do you need me to come over? I can have Zayn get the parts.

It's okay. I know you and Zayn have been waiting to work on the car. Come over after?

Okay, I'll see you then. I love you baby :)

I smile while reading his text. Even when he types the words it still makes my heart beat faster. I love you too!

Sometimes I hate when I'm just sitting at home. Other times I like it. I guess it just depends. With everything going in lately I never really get to lie in bed and just relax, so that's what I decided to do.

I grabbed my phone, searched through my contacts, and pressed the FaceTime button.

It rang a few times before I got an answer. "Aye, Mills!" Niall's face appeared on my screen, a huge smile on his face.

"Hi!" I respond, immediately smiling at the sight of him. "I miss you."

"Ah, I miss you too Mills! How're ya?" Niall asked cheerfully.

"I'm good! Just a little sick right now but I'll feel better later. How's school?"

"Oh it's great! Much better than last year. I mean, there's no girls, but this school my parents sent me to isn't as strict as last one. I actually like it here!"

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