Chapter 10

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"I can't believe you got me to wear this." I hiss at Taylor.

Taylor rolls her eyes. "It's Halloween!" she reminds me for the hundreth time, "you're suppose to dress...slutty."

I don't know how but Taylor talked me into wearing black boots, fish net leggings, with black leather shorts, a red crop top, with devil horns and red lipstick. I feel so revealed that I'm contemplating going back home to change.

"I think I'm gonna go back home and change," I blurt out.

"No!" Taylor and Niall both say.

"We're almost to the party Millie, you'll be fine." Niall tries to reassure me.

"Yeah and I spent hours getting you ready," Taylor adds in.

"Fine," I give in.

We arrive to the party at some apartment building. Niall and I follow Taylor along the sidewalk until we reach the door. She knocks a few times and a guy dressed in a football unifrom opens it.

"Hey! More people to join the party!" He exclaims while opening the door wider, signaling us to walk in. Niall, Taylor, and I all mumble a "thanks" to him and walk inside.

There are so many people packed into this tiny apartment. I see a lot of guys dressed in jerseys, and a lot of girls barely in any clothing at all. There's two beer pong tables, and everyone is either standing around drinking, or sitting on the couch drinking. Everyone is drinking. I guess it's not much different than a high school party. Except the boys are hotter and the girls look a lot older.

"I'm gonna go play some beer bong, so I'll catch up with you later!" Niall informs me. I give him a nod, saying that I'll be okay without him.

I scan the room to see if I know anyone, and I find myself looking for Harry. Stop that Millie. As I'm searching, I see something that makes me feel like I've been punched in the stomach. I see Drew, whose dressed as a baseball player, talking to Danielle, whose dressed as a cat. Big surprise.

He keeps putting his arm around her and they seem like they came together by the way they're standing next to each other.

"Taylor what the hell. Did Drew come with Danielle?" I whisper to her. Taylor looks over at Drew and Danielle, then back at me with a worried expression.

"I don't think so.....but they look kind of flirty huh?" She says, obviously not aware of how jealous it's making me.

"Uh yeah!" I snap back at her.

"Well just go find a hot college boy to flirt with! That's what I do to get Chris jealous." She smirks at me.

I roll my eyes. "Oh yeah because I know people here." Taylor scans the room and points.

"Him!" Her finger fixed on a guy in a batman costume, whose standing by the keg and handing people drinks. "Go ask him to fill you a drink."

"Fine." I huff. Taylor walks off to go find Chris and I walk in the direction of the boy whose pouring drinks. As I'm walking I take a quick glance over at Drew to see if he has noticed me yet. Nope.

"Hi," I say cheerfully as I approach the guy in the batman costume.

"Hey, would you like a drink?" He asks signaling to the keg. I nod. He grabs a red cup and fills it to the top with beer. "Here you go." He says and hands me the cup.

I give him a smile, "Thanks." I take a sip from the cup and take a look over at Drew, he isn't looking over here. What can I do to get his attention? Flirt with this guy?

"My names Millie," I blurt out. Smoothe Millie...smoothe.

"I'm Liam." He says back, then takes off his mask. I expected college boys to cute but not this cute! Liam, who ever he was, his big brown eyes, with brown hair that was tousled on top of his head and a gorgeous smile.

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