VI. Pursuers

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Hange and Jean were both looking at (F/N) as she wiped her face with a clean towel.

Hange ordered (F/N), ordered, to tell them what really happened inside Levi's office. With tears in her eyes, she recalled how Levi ordered her to go to his office that morning to do some paperwork. She told them how he was not satisfied with her job and the beverages she made for him that finally urged him to do that terrible thing to her.

The girl buried her face on the towel, unable to control her sobbing. Jean suddenly felt rage within his being that surprisingly shook him to his core.

"So, that's why you kept on making those beverages." Jean said. (F/N) just nodded. "But, come on! They're not bad!"

"How did you know about that?" the astute scientist asked Jean.

The boy suddenly went red in the cheeks, looked away, and began scratching the back of his head.

"Well, err, I sampled the chocolate and the c-coffee she made. They're all good." Jean stuttered. He snapped his eyes back at Hange, infuriated at such awful treatment the short Captain has shown the girl. "You don't spill a drink on anyone because of that, right? In fact, you don't spill your drink on anyone, period!"

"Okay, calm down, Kirschtein." Hange thought for a while and touched the girl's shoulders gently. "You said that he made you fill out his documents?"

The girl just nodded. Hange took her hands off the girl and went outside the kitchen.

"Section Commander, wait!" Jean said. "Where are you going?"

"Wait for me, you two." she called and finally turned round a corner. Jean was about to place his arm round (F/N)'s shoulders when they heard Hange say, "And, don't do anything reckless, got that?"

Jean clicked his tongue in annoyance at the lady.

A few minutes later, she was back, carrying with her some documents that Levi left in his office when he went out. Jean immediately saw the papers and went closer to Hange to see (F/N)'s written work.

Jean,... was stunned. He looked back at (F/N), whose face was still buried on the towel. "(F/N), you did this?"

Once again, the girl just nodded.

Hange cleared her throat. "I want to ask a question, (F/N)." she said. The poor girl looked up at her superior with her eyes that were red from crying too much. "Is this the first time you filled out documents of importance such as this?"

(F/N) shrugged. "No, Squad Leader."

"When was the first time? And who taught you?"

"Commander Shadis taught me how to do it. I used to help him with his paperwork."

"Shadis did?" Jean uttered. "You mean THE ex - Scouting Legion Commander and Trainee Squad Head Keith Shadis?"

The girl nodded.

"Oh, I see." Hange said. She sat with (F/N) and showed her the documents. "You know, other Cadets could never produce an excellent work such as this. Well, not without years of training. When did Shadis teach you how to do this?"

"Just a few months before graduation. About two."

Hange absorbed the information like a sponge and pondered for a while.

Everybody is aware of (F/N)'s ability in battle and lack, thereof. But, to think that Keith Shadis would teach her such things that no other Cadet should know about, since their future line of work would simply revolve around guarding the walls or slaying the Titans,...

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