(F/N)'s Diary

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It has been quite a long time since I last wrote. To tell the truth, I still haven't recovered after what Captain Levi did to me three days ago. I couldn't find the courage to go back to my old self after what happened. My appetite was messed up, no, it was messed up the entire time actually.

The fact that I still couldn't let go of my feelings for the man who could never love me back bothers me a lot. I mean, I tried, really. I talk a lot to my new friends just to forget about him. But it's no use. Especially after what happened to him yesterday. Now, I'm stuck to guarding him at all times! How do you even guard someone who keeps pushing you away? And me, the protector of Humanity's Strongest Soldier? Me? You've got to be kidding me! I have no other choice but to do it since it was a direct order from the Commander.

I have noticed a lot of changes in Captain Levi. He tried to slap, no, he slapped me twice ( three times, if I count the first one ), it didn't hurt. I saw him lifting different things like his own bed, but he can't. He can't even push Commander Erwin. After our private meeting, Captain Levi said that he was sleepy. Didn't he just sleep? I remember that he slept for nearly twelve hours last night!

I hope Ms. Hange finishes the antidote soon. I really wanted to help him. I don't want him to push me away. I couldn't do anything but watch his suffering. I hate it. Now, I have to carry his burden. I'm pretty sure that Petra will do a perfect job of taking care of him.

What would she do in this situation?

I'm sure that Captain Levi would've preferred it if Petra was still here to be his assistant instead of me,...

There it is again. Just recently, I could feel this strange ache in my chest whenever I think about Captain Levi. It didn't hurt like this before whenever I think of him, I mean, I admit I do think of him a lot even before joining the Trainee Corps. Ever since I,... ( the following words are unreadable due to multiple erasures ) to repay him.

No! Stop crying (F/N)! I must be strong! I must be strong for Captain Levi!

I will observe Captain Levi more to see if there are any other changes in him. Maybe it'll help me deal with his condition.

Petra, please help me,...

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