XXV. Truth

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For three days, Levi was still watching over the unconscious form of the girl who saved him.

Sometimes, he would go out of the room either to get something to eat and drink or to train. His body, since his second awakening, went back to its original state. And by that, it meant that his reflexes and senses went back to being sharper. His eating habits went back to normal, and his healing ability became fast once more. All of the wounds he suffered during his tribulation healed, not instantly, though, but quick enough. The bruises that were evident all over his body a few days ago almost miraculously vanished, like the torture never happened, at all.

And yet, despite all that, (F/N)'s state remained the same.

Unmoving, battered,...

Almost lifeless.

For three days, some of (F/N)'s friends visited her. Nifa provided fresh, white roses for the little white vase that Mikasa placed on the bed - side table. Eren would sometimes touch her cheeks, arms and forehead, wanting so much to pass on some of his boundless energy to her limp frame to give her vivacity. Armin would read her some of his favorite books in hopes that she'll wake up and respond to his soothing voice. Mike and Nanaba also visited her, looking exactly like some parents who were very upset on the pitiful condition of a daughter. Hange talked to her, a lot. She spoke (F/N)'s name lots of times while holding her hand, hoping that the girl would flutter her eyelids open and tell her that she's fine. Erwin never visited (F/N), at all.

And while all of these occurred, Levi observed them quietly from the other side of the room. He couldn't help but be totally ashamed of his presence there whenever someone asked him what he was doing there, being the Captain who openly disliked her in the past. His eyes gradually became even more tired watching over (F/N) and making sure that her visitors were well - mannered. His conscience continuously scratched guilty pleas at him whenever someone cried in front of her.

Why? Levi thought to himself. Why is she lying there on that cold bed instead of me?

On the second day, the clueless nurses and the frightened doctor ( who was still traumatized after hearing Levi scream that night and begging him to bring her back ) removed the bandage on her head, revealing eight ugly stitches on one side of her forehead where he smashed his teacup three nights ago. They also noted the remnants of the once large bruise that was caused by a strong palm that connected to that delicate and young skin a month ago. He couldn't help but wince, seeing her facial features deformed like that.

And it was all because of him.

When he wasn't eating or training, he would drag the chair close to the bed. He would sit down and quietly observe her features. At one time, he had the courage to touch the side of her cheek where her large bruise once was. As he glided his calloused hand on the surface of her smooth skin, he couldn't help but remember the things that the people from the Scouting Legion said regarding the injury. Sometimes, the words were just silly, like clumsiness and stupidity. Sometimes, they were downright dead - on, correctly saying that violence and abuse were both involved.

But, they didn't really know who committed the abuse in the first place.

And if they did, what will they say?

If they find out the reason, what would they think of him?

Levi's eyes snapped rapidly away from her cheek because of that sudden realization that hit his stomach like bricks, making his sight land on her closed eyes.

Right then and there, he wondered: were those things that Hange said about her features true?

Does she really have those kind - looking (E/C) eyes that melts when she smiles?

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