XVI. Storm

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That morning, everyone stayed indoors for their well - deserved break. It's not that the weather was quite bad, to begin with. They just needed to relax.

(F/N) was on her way to Levi's office when she heard a familiar voice coming from it.

It was too familiar,...

"...so, I hope that you're doing well." she heard him say. (F/N) was having doubts whether to open the door or not. But, what's the point in delaying their reunion? 

She opened it, and was greeted by the man, himself.

She timidly entered the room, and when he noticed her, he smiled from ear to ear in delight.

"Mr. Ral?" (F/N) choked the words.

"(F/N)!" the man ran to her and hugged her tightly like someone who had just gotten out of prison and saw his child for the first time in many years. "How have you been?"

Levi watched in horror as the father of the woman he loved launched himself to the girl he hates and hugged her like she was his own child.

(F/N), however, noticed the look on Levi's face and tried to wriggle herself free from the gentle giant's grasp. "I'm good. Are you here to visit the Captain?"

"No, sweetheart! I came to visit you." he said.

Levi felt that a bomb just went through his ceiling and landed right on top of him.

How could,... ?

What in the world is his connection to this girl?!

(F/N) was visibly sweating too hard. She was totally taken by surprise by Mr. Ral's sudden visit.

"Thank you for visiting me, but I'm sure you're very busy. If you want, you can leave now - "

All of a sudden, a flash of blinding light streaked across the cloudy sky, followed by the sound of thunder.

So, it's gonna rain, Levi thought as he went to his window to close them. He was distracted from doing so when he noticed (F/N) on the floor, curled up into a protective ball and covering both ears with her hands. Her face was as pale as death and she looked really afraid.

What in the -

(L/N),... is afraid of thunder?

"(F/N)!" Mr. Ral was shaking the girl, trying to get her back on her feet. It was no use. The man turned to Levi. "Mr. Levi, my daughter is deathly afraid of storms. When she starts acting like this, it would be difficult to coax her to relax!"

The hell,... daughter?! "What do you want me to do, then?!" he almost screamed. He doesn't want to get involved with her. Not even in this kind of situation. But, (F/N) had begun shaking uncontrollably the moment the rain started pouring outside.

"(F/N), shh, it's gonna be just fine,..." Mr. Ral desperately cooed her, rubbing her back and trying to make her look at him.

Another batch of lightning and thunder danced across the sky, making (F/N) even more afraid.

Fuck this!

Levi had no choice but to go along with Mr. Ral and try to calm the girl down. He knelt beside her and tried not to gag at the closeness of their bodies. "Brat, look at me,..."

"T-t-t,..." the girl stuttered.

"What?" Levi tried his very best not to sound annoyed. He just didn't expect that someone her age would still be frightened of lightning or thunder.

Such a fucking weakling!

"They are c-coming,..."

What? "Who?"

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