(F/N)'s Note

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By the time you read this, I may have already left to retrieve the antidote. I decided not to tell you where I went, because I wouldn't want your life to be endangered. Some people are after the Captain's life, and I will not allow you to get caught in the situation. I'am not doing this to be a hero. I'am doing this for Captain Levi - to get his strength back. I'm not so sure how I'll be able to do it, but I will definitely get the antidote. Humanity needs him more than we do. More than I did.

Therefore, I'm telling you, whoever you are who are currently reading this, the things you have to remember about the Captain.

He hates mess. He doesn't want filthy things, and he's a very organized person. If you become his next personal assistant, you must always keep yourself tidy and hygienic. You must always keep his office clean without even a speck of dust left on the floor.

He also hates tardiness. Make sure to always be on time. But, I'm sure he have no reason to hate you, so you won't have to worry about him punishing you.

He requires precision in everything from work to the tiniest of details such as office supply arrangement.

He hates anything and everything sweet. But, don't serve him coffee, either. He likes black tea, lukewarm, not too hot, not too cold. Don't put anything in it, not even honey, cream, or sugar. He will not appreciate it. Just serve it to him plain. It doesn't matter if it's bitter. He prefers it that way.

Now that he's sick, he sleeps for more than 8 hours. When he wakes up, he expects to have his breakfast on his bedside table. And please, do prepare him fresh towels for his bath. He gets tired easily, so you have to help him even in these mundane tasks.

He gets drunk easily. So, make an effort to not show him even one bottle of wine. You won't like him when he gets drunk, especially if you're a female.

Everything must be ready at his table for his work before he even gets up.

He eats lunch at exactly 12 noon, and eats dinner at six or half - past that hour.

Before leaving, you must get him his cup of black tea.

I know it's awfully too much and a bother, since you're also training for the upcoming Expedition. Captain needs all the help he could get. He's sick. With what illness, I couldn't tell you, so, please, promise me that you'll take care of him now that I'm gone. Don't worry, it will only be for just two to three days. When I get the antidote, everything will go back to how they used to.

Please, believe me. He may be Humanity's Strongest Soldier, but he's also human, and he deserves any help you can extend to him now that he's still weak. I'm sure he will repay you for your kindness when he gets well.

One last thing, you must never tell anyone that I ran away to get the antidote, especially the Captain. Just tell them I ran away from here because I was too afraid to get out of the Walls. They'll surely believe you, because they all think that I'am a coward. Till we meet each other again.

Thank you so much.

~(F/N) (L/N)

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