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It's getting late, but she still had to do it.

Everybody else had gone back inside to rest, while she was left training outside. She was defeated once more in hand - to - hand combat, so she had no other choice but to train even harder than the rest of them.

It was almost dinnertime, and she was beginning to starve.

"Hello." a deep male voice uttered just behind her. She turned around and saw a tall man with blonde hair and thick eyebrows. He was wearing a Scouting Legion uniform.

He was smiling at her, his beautiful ocean blue eyes twinkling.

"Are you Ms. (L/N)?" he said gently.

She nodded. "Yes, Sir. How can I help you?" she said, uncertain why a man from the Scouting Legion was speaking to her.

The man showed her some documents. He gave them to her and and spoke, "Were you the one who wrote this?"

She gulped. Did Commander Shadis plan on shaming me?

"Y-yes, Sir." she answered truthfully.

"Do you always help Commander Shadis with his paperwork?"

"Y-yes, but! It's just for punishment."


The girl began blushing uncontrollably. "For always messing up during training."

He's still smiling. "Oh, I see."

The man took his eyes off of hers for a moment and glanced around him. "It's getting late and the others had already retired for the day. Why are you still outside?"

Her face even got redder. "I-i messed up in hand - to - hand combat, so I had to stay behind for,..."

The smile on his face vanished and was replaced with a very understanding and sympathetic look. "Aren't you tired? You've been working hard since morning."

"I'm fine! I'm fine,... I'm sorry." she stuttered, embarrassed by this enigmatic man.

His smile went back. "You sure have a lot of energy. Well, then, don't hesitate to take a break when you get tired."

"Yes, Sir. I will."

The man turned away from her, but before going away, he turned his head slightly towards her.

"I'm just wondering,..." he simply whispered. "Are you interested in joining the Legion?"

The Legion? Is he recruiting me or something? she thought. This must be my lucky day! I could be with Petra again. I could now repay him. I could,...

I couldn't.

"I'm not sure, Sir."

"Why not?"

"I'm weak. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone like me in the Legion. Unless you want someone as Titan bait, then,..."

She slightly bowed her head, her frown evident on her face.

But, his smile didn't disappear. Nor the strange look in those deep blue eyes that are as unpredictable as the sea.

"It's not for Titan bait, dear." he said. "You have potential, and we could help you improve to be a good Soldier who would greatly contribute to humanity. But, then again, it's your choice. If you don't want to, that's fine. If you do decide to join us, I'll personally welcome you."

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