Chapter Two: Home Sweet Home

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I lead them towards my boat, the dragons trailing behind. I hop on and look at the mighty beasts. "Uh, yeah. My boat isn't big enough for all of you. Could you fly above?"

They nod their heads and Hiccup and the other riders get on the dragons. Astrid comes up to me and warns, "You better not be leading us into a trap, or I will personally send you to Valhalla." I gulp. She's scary.

I get onto my boat and sail out. As I lead my boat across the rough waters, I think of the mysterious riders and the Hunters they were talking about. I try to recall where I had heard that term be used before. Was it Trader Johann? Or one of my enemies? A memory pops up into my head.

It was about ten moons ago. I was in the area to help a Razorwhip that I had healed before. At that time, she was having babies. I had just finished assisting her and was about to get off the island when I spotted a strange ship. It was equipped with dragon-proof winches and cages and weapons that could take down a dragon with a single hit. Its design is what inspired me to reinforce my ship.

I had asked around and found out the ship belonged to Viggo Grimborn, a ruthless Dragon Hunter who was in the area to capture some new dragons. I, of course, had to help, so I sneaked on board and threw the cages into the ocean. Well.. I say threw, but the whole process took an hour or more despite the fact there were only five cages on board.

The next day, the Dragon Hunters were very surprised. I heard from the locals they were going to try and capture some dragons anyway, so I followed them. They must've been very confused that all their equipment kept disappearing. They did end up catching a gronkle, but it ended up escaping without my help. They were so frustrated the next day, that they left and I had never seen or heard from them since...

I'm interrupted from my thoughts as a lightning bolt slashes through the skies and is shortly followed by rumbling thunder. I curse myself; I had completely forgotten about the storm. "Not now Thor," I mutter, trying to control my ship as the wind buffets it around. I try to remember if there are any islands close by. My initial thought is no, but then I remember the island I 'live' at is near. I was originally going to head to literally any other island, to demonstrate what I am capable of, but this would have to do.

I change my ship's course, heading for the island. I feel uneasiness clench at my stomach at the thought of showing the riders my home, but I shake it off. Better trust them so they can trust me. I finally see the island in the distance. I've always made sure it's safe for me and all the dragons living there. It is a relatively small island, but it has everything my dragons need to thrive. I steer my ship close to the island and jump off, landing in the water with a splash.

I push the ship with all my strength, going against the wind and choppy waves. Despite my boat being light, it still proves almost impossible to push it onto land. I choke as a wave comes over my head. When did the storm get so bad?

Another lightning strike illuminates the riders above me, thrashing around in the sky and trying to get down to help me. I clutch the edge of my boat and yell through the howling wind. "Get to land! I'll be fine!" I hope. Luckily, they need my advice and go land on the shore where the wind won't blow them out to sea.

Desperate to push my boat to safety, I take the whistle from around my neck and blow. The whistle is for emergencies, and I had never used it until now. But, despite my determination, I doubt I had the strength to do anything but keep my head above water. And even that is proving more and more difficult.

I wait and wait, listening intently for the dragon I know to be coming. Has to come. My head starts to sink underwater as the waves grow higher. My arms feel weak from leaning against my boat. A desperate sort of fear comes over me as I think the whistle hadn't worked and begin to despair.

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