Chapter Twenty: Loki Day part two

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I leave Ruff in the hole and hop back on to Blitzfire after getting out of the look-a-like. You know. she sparks. I have honestly no idea what goes on in your brain.

"Thanks?" I shrug.

After flying a short distance, we land at the Clubhouse where a squeal is being emitted. I grin. "Looks like Fishlegs found that bug I put in there with a note saying 'Lokied' on it."

Blitzfire gestures her head towards Astrid's hut. I also saw Astrid find her fake axe and then her real one outside.

I nod my head. "How about Hiccup? Has he came out of his hut yet...."

I hear a yell and then, "TUFF! RUFF! COME FREE ME FROM THIS ROPE THING RIGHT NOW!" I giggle and casually walk over to Hiccup who is hanging upside down and help him get down. "Thanks Draira. Have you seen the twins?"

I smile innocently, although I am honestly surprised he doesn't see right past my deception. "Yeah, Ruff is at the beach and I think Tuff is still in their hut...."

"Thanks!" He quickly boards and flies off on Toothless to go yell at the twins.

"Well," I say to Blitzfire, mentally counting down the items I had arranged. "Hookfang should be here any minute now."

At that precise moment, Hookfang lands in front of me with an angry Snotlout on his back. "Hookfang?! WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE?!"

"Oh, sorry. We were going to surprise you with something, but I guess you don't want it so...." I shrug. "Too bad though. That Yaknog looked really good."

Snotlout scoffs. "You can't fool me. I am not falling for anything this year. NOT ANYTHING."

I shrug. "Ok, suit yourself." I produce a present from my satchel. "I guess I'll just have to keep all these presents."

"Not fooling me."

I open the first present and Snotlout tenses as though something was going to jump out. When nothing happens, he gets off Hookfang and exclaims, "Let me see that."

"Ok." Quickly, I pull a string on the side of the box, which allowed the Monstrous Nightmare gel and FireWorm honey to mix. "Here."

I quickly give him the box and as dawning comes over him, flames dance along the surface of the box. "Ah!" He screams as the box explodes.

"Lokied!" I yell before quickly hopping on Blitzfire and soaring away.

Well, that was fast. Now, you only need to prank Carn and Tuffnut.

"Speaking of," I say slowly. "Do you know where Carn is?"

No, but I heard he was staying with Hiccup. Maybe you could ask him? I nod my head in agreement and we fly over to the Clubhouse. The twins are arguing outside and I can't help the smile that appears on my face. I wave at them, but they don't notice me, too engaged in a heated debate. Shouldn't you tell them?

"Nah," I reply. "I'll wait till later." I walk into the Clubhouse to see the other Riders sitting down and eating breakfast. "Morning everyone!" I chirp. "Anyone seen Carn?"

They all shake their heads no except Hiccup. "He said he was going to talk to you."

I frown. "Ok, thanks." Why would he want to talk to me? And, where is he? I grin. A Loki day surprise no doubt. "Come on. Let's go check my hut. Maybe he's there." Blitzfire nods her head and spreads her wings in preparation to take off, but Hiccup's voice stops us.

"Wait!" I put a hand on Blitzfire to stop her from taking off. Hiccup holds up his hand and I can faintly see my daggers in his hands. "We found these on the side of the mountain."

I sigh in relief. "Thanks, I thought I had lost those." I grab them from Hiccup. They feel unbalanced in my hands, but I shrug it off. I am excited to see what Carn might have in store for me.

We glide over to my hut, and I walk inside. As I close the door behind me, I hear a soft click but shrug it off as my imagination after a moment's hesitation. "Carn? Are you here?"

I hear shuffling, and a head pokes out from under the bed, his matted brown hair sticking out from all angles.

"Hiccup said you wanted to talk to me?" I frown. "Were you looking for something under my bed?"

"I was, but I found the thing I was looking for." Carn's voice is ice cold, emotionless, foreboding. I step back slightly. It's that same voice he used when he captured me....

"Carn? Why are you looking at me like that? What's going on?! This is just a Loki Day prank right? Haha, you've got me fooled!" I stammer, feeling myself slowly back out of my hut. "Just say Lokied and we can all go back to the Clubhouse and have a good laugh over it. Carn? Carn?! SAY SOMETHING!" I fumble with the door latch and realize it's locked. I should've realized.

"You don't understand, do you?" Carn deadpans coldly. "Thanks to you, my parents are dead and my life is ruined!"

"No," I whisper. "It wasn't me. I...."

"Those Hunters had a grudge with your dad. It was because of him they attacked the town!" Carn's voice has risen to a yell now. "And since he's currently the chief of the Berserkers, and no one can find him, I plan to take my revenge out on his daughter. The daughter who constantly caused the very same guards who were supposed to be protecting the island to goof off and not do their job when it mattered most!"

"Wait, he's...." I try to wrap my head around what he was saying.

"Oswald the Agreeable? Heather and Dagur's dad? Yes. And don't worry; I plan to take my revenge out on them too." He adds triumphantly. "But, lucky for me, some very important people are looking for you and offered a high price for me to bring you to them so you can give them the information they need to make a new Dragon Eye; a device that can tell you everything about any dragon!"

"No," I say. But deep in me, I know he speaks the truth. And it is terrifying. How come you had to ruin it! whispers a voice in my head. You left us to die and now the Hunters are going to capture and/or kill all the dragons! I try standing tall despite the doubts floating in my mind like water; going wherever it wanted to go whenever it wanted. But the words Carn is saying reflect the very thoughts that had plagued my mind for the last ten years. "I always beat you when we wrestled, I can still beat you now." I try to keep my voice steady, but it is hard when voices are constantly nagging at you.

He smirks. "I've already won." The door behind me opens and Viggo's Hunters appear.

"How...?" I stammer as they grab me.

"I used your ship. The Riders didn't suspect a thing." He turns to the Hunters. "Knock her out." Something hard hits me on the head. "Sweet dreams."

Thanks to all the new people reading this story! Because of your support, Through a Dragon's Eye is my top story with 415 views and 74 likes. And, crazy enough, it's chapter 20! Be sure to check out my other stories including my other Httyd fanfiction and my Book of Dragons (or, if you want to know about more than just Httyd dragons, check out Dracones Revelatur)
Tysm (Thank you so much!)
-The Dragon Girl

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