Chapter Thirty-eight: Alone

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I open my eyes before my mind is fully awake again. Blurry images slowly come into focus around me. I'm in some sort of cell with wooden bars and a Dragon Proof metal back wall.

Blinking my eyes to clear away the grogginess, I try standing up, so I could get a better sense of where I am. Before I can, I groan as I finally feel the heavy metal chains on my wrists restricting my movements by binding me to the wall. They seem really heavy, heavier than any other metal I had encountered. Twisting my head around, I attempt to get a better look at the chains. That's when I see the bits of Dragon Root in the regular metal. With my vision swimming before my eyes, I abruptly turn to the front again and try to distance myself from the intoxicating green substance. Whoever has chained me is smart.. too smart. I start going through a list of smart villains in my mind. Vengrock, sorta Tolrock, Evlrock, Carn, and, the most recent...

"Hello Draira," says the leader of the Dragon Hunters, walking up to me. "I assume you had a nice rest?"

"Viggo." I narrow my eyes.

"Yes, you've caught me." Viggo puts his hands up into the air, but a smirk is ever present on his face.

"How did you capture me?" I demand. "Surely the Riders would've noticed your ship..."

"That is very much the truth," he says. "Which is why I didn't use my ship."

His cold brown eyes study me as dawning comes over me. "You forced Trader Johann to let you use his ship and to lure me to you!" I exclaim, angry at the confident smirk on the man's face and the fact that he would use my own friends to hurt me.

"Not quite," says another voice behind Viggo. Said person comes into the light, and I gasp. "He didn't force me to do anything. If anything, I told him what to do." Traitor Johann stands taller and prouder than anything I had ever seen him be before. Everything from the last few hours suddenly clicks into place.

"You were going to kidnap me anyway if I hadn't waken up," I think out loud. "That's why you were so silent. And the dock.. you weren't scared. You were just trying to get me to turn around so that you could knock me out." I look behind me at the chains again. "And I told you.. I trusted you with my Dragon Root weakness, and you used it against me!" I won't cry, I won't cry, I won't cry. "This is Carn all over again," I murmur.

Viggo, overhearing my comment, says, "Johann told me about Carn. I looked him up and found out that he begged to be a Dragon Hunter at seven years of age under Evlrock a month before your island was attacked."

"I guess everyone knows about my island," I grumble.

"What was that?"


Viggo raises an eyebrow but continues none the less. "When your island was attacked, Carn told the Hunters where to attack and when. He was such a smart boy for one only seven years old. He repeatedly said it was also thanks to you playing with the guards..?"

"You don't need to remind me."

"Therefore, he was the main reason why your island was destroyed." My mind whirls with this new information.

"But, he and I were so close," I murmur, shaking my head. I look at the faces of Traitor Johann and Viggo and realize with a start that they are both staring at me sympathetically. Who knew they were capable of such emotions. I blink back tears. No! They are not my friends!

"Why did you kidnap me of all people?!" I demand.

Viggo frowns slightly, a flash of irritation passing by his usual calm facade. "Have the Riders told you about the Dragon Eye?" he asks.

"The all powerful device that has unlimited knowledge on dragons?" I verify. He nods his head. "I may have heard something about it."

"Well, since the old Dragon Eye was destroyed, and I was rescued from the volcano, our team of Dragon Hunters has been working diligently to aquire knowledge on dragons so that we could piece together a new Dragon Eye," Viggo explained. "Eventually, we figured out we had been doing it wrong the entire time. Apparently, the dragon's flame is the knowledge, and we simply needed the right device to put it through."

Traitor Johann glared at Viggo. "You were the only one who was supposed to be working on it." He turns to me. "Alas, because of this incompetent fool's mistake, the one known as Tolrock took the Dragon Eye on its completion, robbing us of the whereabouts on the King of Dragons." He says the last three words with such reverence and passion, I instantly want to follow him so that he could accomplish the dream. But... I shake my head. They. Are. The. Enemy.

"I thought the King of Dragons was myth," I point out, confused and trying to distract myself.

"Myths are but a fragment of the truth," Viggo reminds me.

"Our leader, Drago Bludvist, has been searching for the King of Dragons for a long time indeed," adds Johann.

"Drago? Blood Fist? Who's that?" I ask.

"No one you need to concern yourself with," Viggo states.

"You still haven't told me why I'm here," I remind him icily.

"In order for us to obtain the Dragon Eye once more, Tolrock has offered us a trade," says Johann.

"What kind of trade?" I ask warily.

"The Dragon Eye for the eye of the dragons." Traitor Johann waits as I slowly comprehend what he is saying. "In other words, we give him you, and he gives us the source of unlimited knowledge about dragons."

Ok, originally, I wasn't going to update another chapter, but I give credit to Briebie for giving me the most comments.. and the most requests for another chapter. But, this is the LAST ONE for this week, so please don't request another. (Yes, I'm looking at you Briebie)

I also appreciate the other commenters on my book and the first to read. You have no idea how happy I was when I saw I had 23 new notifications ten minutes after I posted. The most noticable today are Hooky99, Whiplash246, and Thesunnycookie although I still appreciate those who simply read my book without commenting or voting and those who didn't read my chapters right as they were published. As long as people are enjoying reading my books, I'm happy😁.


I'll admit, this chapter is a little shorter than my usual one, so I'm sorry for that, but, too be fair, this is the fourth one so...

Also, I forgot to mention this, but I have officially decided the name of the next book in this series (Did you really think I was going to stop at this one?) and have created the cover page! That just tells you how close to an end this book is getting! I will have a contest at the end of this book to recreate the description in this book since it's gone totally off course of what I was originally going to do.

So, in conclusion, sorry for the long Author's Note, thanks again for reading, yay for the extra (short) chapter, and stay tuned for the description contest!


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